The Great Russian Invasion of Ukraine will take place on Saturday 500 days and President Volodímir Zelenski will accelerate his international agenda with the aim of fortifying the acuerdos qu’acerquen à Kiev à la NATO, cuya cummbre el martes en Vilnius (Lithuania). Palo y zanahoria in hand, the agent welcomes the apoyos without dejar de criticir, as he did in Bratislava, the one who he considers falta de unidad within NATO to accept the entry from Ukraine and Sweden (although the Swiss case is radically distinct). Y esas diferencias, lui entiende lui, suppose an “amenaza” with repercussions for the security of the whole world. “La unidad es la fuerza de la NATO” e la “désunión” es lo que busca Rusia, añadió lui.
Tras visitar Bulgaria, República Checa y Eslovaquia, el ukrainian mandator llegó a Turquía a última hora de este viernes. There, in addition to insisting on the need to be accepted in the Atlantic Alliance, he will try to enlarge the agreement that made it possible to export cereals through the Black Sea, the only point of understanding between Kiev and Moscow from the invasion. This pacto, valid until July 17, was auspicious by Turkey and the UN, but Russia has not shown itself in favor of its restructuring. In the midst of frenzied activity that resulted in four days of travel in two days, Zelenski also negotiated to go apoyos for his peace initiative, which was in the position of not having negotiated without today’s unemployment Ukraine , including the Crimean peninsula.
Zelenski used to throw mensajes at the wide end of his tour, always with the mirada puesta in Vilnius. Also in the decalogue for peace that he proposes in his country and in bilateral cooperation to be able to face Russian employment. “We have addressed the need to raise the level of sanctions against EU Russia and other organizations, as well as cooperation to boost the road for full integration of Ukraine into the European Union and OTAN”, said the president at the tarde del viernes has through las redes social tras su visita a República Checa. Zelenski compared him with the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, tras el encuentro de ambos.
Turkey, a NATO member that was able to re-elect Erdogan, is a key country in the war against the tendidos with both Russia and Ukraine. The Mandate did not approve sanctions against Moscow, but at the same time brought arms to Kiev and defended its territorial integrity.
In this misleading line, the Turkish president assured in his confrontation with his Ukrainian counterpart that Ukraine “merace entrar en l’OTAN”, shortly before the announcement that the Russian president, Vladímir Putin, will visit Turkey in August, according to Reuters. This agency has informed in advance that Erdogan has foreseen that he will send Putin his impressions of the meeting by telephone. The Turkish mandate assured his vez that the land of him continued its efforts to extend the grain treasury. Zelenski used to agradecido before a teaching on “apoyo a la integridad territorial y la soberanía de Ucrania”.
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Türkiye 🇺🇦🇹🇷.
Meeting with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan @RTERdogan. Very important negotiations.Security – both in our Black Sea region and in Europe in general. I am grateful for your support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. Peace formula. Protection of our…
— Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) July 7, 2023
NATO integration is a mantra that Zelenski does not forget. The Ukrainian envoy started talking about a possible World War III in Russia as well. Lui lo hizo la semana pasada During a meeting with various medios españoles, entre ellos EL PAÍS. “If Ukraine does not resist and Russia advances from Poland or the Baltic countries, this will mean the III World War,” he commented. Placing Kiev under the mantle of NATO is the best way to press Putin, one of these arguments to order the current invasion and that he cannot allow the Alliance to be held at the doors of Moscow. “We do not admit another alternative,” insists Zelenski sober integration into the organization.
In the visit to Turkey, the grain purchase is the key point on the Ukrainian agenda. “Unlike Federación Rusa, Ukraine is fully con los compromisos del acuerdo del mar Negro and está lista para apoyar la seguridad alimentary mundial. We have a civilized call to support the extension of this pact after July 17,” said this Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Oleksandr Kubrakov, also one of the Deputy Prime Ministers of the Government, from his profile on the red Twitter social network. Previously, on July 1, he denounced that hasta 29 buques cargoes with 1.4 million toneladas métricas of cereal found blocked in the Bósforo, without being able to continue traveling from June 26 to the hope of an inspection, by decision of Russia.
“Es obvio que no hay motives para la continuation de la iniciativa del mar Negro”, signaled by the Ministerio de Exteriores ruso el martes. “The normalization of Russian supplies of food and fertilizers to the world markets, anticipated by the agreement between Russia and the UN, has degraded”, he added.
Ukraine has used Russia’s attempt to block the watery renewal of grain and prevent this from being the fluid mode. Moscú afea a kyiv el haber has converted the acuerdo into a herramienta with the one that make money and no with the one that help poor countries hit by the mundial food crisis. The large-scale Russian invasion puesta en marche en febrero de 2022 blocked millions of toneladas métricas in Ukrainian territory. The pact, auspicious by the UN and Turkey, permits from 1 August of the past year to export cereal from three ports of the Black Sea.
One of the giants of the sector in Ukraine, aware of the difficulties that could arise depending on a deal with the aggressor country, decided to apostat to operate from the Ukrainian edge of the Danube river. “We decide to have a more expensive logistics route, but a safer route,” Andri Vadaturski, director of the Nibulon company, told Reuters. Vadaturski hizo with the helm of the signature after a Russian attack won the summer passed with the life of his fathers. This company’s exports dropped by about mitad during the Russian invasion and logistics costs disappeared, he commented during a joint visit to the agency and pharmacies in Kiev. During the 2022-2023 campaign, Nibulon exported 2.34 million toneladas métricas, compared to the 4.6 million toneladas of the previous year. The price of loading a tonelada in the buque shop exceeded the 12 dólares before the war to the current 70-75, even if it moved in the 154 of the month of August.
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