The chairman of the Duma assures that many of Wagner’s mercenaries have agreed to fight in the Russian exercises
The president of the Duma del Estado o Cámara baja of the Russian Parliament, Viacheslav Volodin, said that it is domingo que many of the mercenaries of the Wagner group, who rebelled at the end of the week, continuing to serve in Russia. The Russian president, Vladímir Putin, the proposal to the paramilitaries who want defender in Russia “continuar su servicio con las armas en la mano”, wrote Volodin on his Telegram account. “Por lo que sé, many of them have accepted,” he added.
The legislator has destabilized the rebellion which was the protagonist on June 23 and 24 of the Wagner group led by its leader, Yevgueni Prigozhin, and which was disarticulated by means of an attack when the mercenaries searched for Moscow, “showed how high the prestige of the President [Putin] en la sociedad civil y entre los militaris”. El jefe del Kremlin, according to Volodin, “climbed from this extremely difficult situation with his position more fortalecidas than him, both in the country as in the world”. “If in 1917 and 1991 at the front of the Hubiese state people like Putin were not going to have a revolution or if the Soviet Union was going to disintegrate”, concluded the leader of the Duma.
The mercenaries protested their rebellion after the Russian president promised that if the open criminal case against them would be closed, that Prigozhin would march in Belarus and that the mercenaries could return to their homes or formally incorporate them into the Fuerzas Armadas. Prigozhin’s declared objective, which he did not achieve, was the dismissal of the Minister of Defense, Serguéi Shoigú, and of the chief officer of the State Mayor General de las Fuerzas Armadas, Valeri Guerásimov, who over the last few months were responsible for the military dreams in Ukraine and del elevado número de bajas entre las fuerzas rusas.
The leader of the compañía de mercenarios, Yevgueni Prigozhin, dijo pendante el motín el pasado end de semana which had 25,000 men at its disposal (kyiv has calculated that there are 400,000 uniformed Russians in its territory). It is about 20,000 or 22,000 according to the estimates of Vadim Denisenko, director of the Instituto para el Futuro de Ucrania y, hasta enero, asesor of the Ministerio del Interior. In the battle of Baymut alone, 20,000 people lost their lives, according to Prigozhin’s own data. (Efe)