One of every 10 children, teenagers and adolescents (10.1%) in Spain cannot meet their basic needs at home. It is the highest figure from the one that keeps records, with levels even higher than the economic crisis of 2008, when it was 5.5%. Assuming that the AROPE (por sus siglas in inglés, At-Risk-Of Poverty and Exclusion) indicator of poverty and social exclusion has decreased in the last year in cases one percentage point in the country, the infancia follows being more group vulnerable was a problem. So he receives it and informs him Analysis of the encounter of living conditions with childhood 2023, presented this miércoles by the Plataforma de la Infancia, entity that gluten has more than 70 organizations. The AROPE indicator analyzes three categories in the population: the risk of poverty, the severe material privation and the low intensity of work (younger people of 59 years who have worked in the last year only 20% of the time who could have it done). In these categories, the severe material privation has increased, which happens when the houses lack four of the new requirements (like not coming to protein at least two times a week, not maintaining food at a suitable temperature or not being able to consume unexpected cats).
From los microdatos de la Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida de 2022, the Plataforma de la Infancia noted that, año tras año, the población infantil has mirrored las tasas más altas de AROPE compared to los demás grupos de edad. In reality, 3 out of every 10 children (32.2%) children and adolescents are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, assuming more than 2.6 million fewer. España is, according to Eurostat, the third country of the European Union with the highest AROPE tax in childhood. Surpassed only by Bulgaria and Romania.
The risk of poverty (when the inputs available do not reach 60% of the national media) and the low intensity of use have been reduced largely by social shield measures, explained the sociologist Eva Gracia, one of the authors of the study . But what has suffered the most in recent years are material shortages of various kinds: “When people ask if they have basic necessities, the number of families who answer no has increased and with sufficient intensity. Eso poses to alleviate the difficulties that children experience”. In 2022, the year analyzing the survey, the average millon of children and adolescents (5.9%) could not come from animal origin proteins (meat, chicken or fish) less each day.
34.6% of children and teenagers were not able to go on vacation, 16.1% suffered the consequences of energy poverty and 7.4% suffered the digital gap. “Living in a home that cannot maintain an adequate temperature, both in winter and in summer, cannot come in sufficient protein, does not have a computer or tablet on or cannot irse de vacaciones affect the full development of children, children and teenagers”, joined the director of the Plataforma de Infancia, Ricardo Ibarra.
Los adolescents: the most underprivileged group
Horquilla aged 13-17 reflects the highest AROPE indicator, at 34.9%. Followed by children between 4 and 12 years (31.4%) and children aged 0 to 3 (29.9%) who are at risk of poverty and social exclusion. The difference occurs, according to the information, by discrimination in the aids of education, being more limited in adolescence. Thus, the authors point out that they would have to pay special attention to this step of life in which the reduction of opportunities can have repercussions on the risk of dropping out of school early. In this sentiment, it is observed that the reconciliation mediations and the aids that exist for the step from 0 to 3 years are resultando beneficiosas.
A menos formation of the fathers, mayor riesgo
A minor level of studies on los progenitors is linked to situations of precariousness in el trabajo, bajos ingresos y major riesgo de pobreza y exclusion social (AROPE) as well as hijos and hijas. El shows that every 10 children, teenagers and adolescents with fathers and mothers with primary education were put at risk of poverty and social exclusion in 2022. In this mismatch situation, close to half of minors with fathers and mothers with secondary education are found. Counting with tampoco higher education is a guarantee. The report states that 15.6% of children aged 18 years with some of their parents with higher education were in danger of social exclusion.
The socioeconomic level of the family is decisive. Ricardo Ibarra points out that the differences and desigualdas experienced in childhood affect the present and the future: “A common problem is the generational transmission of poverty”. The transmission of poverty manifests itself, among other factors, in a mayor y precocious abandono escolar entre los menores con menos oportunidades. From the Plataforma de la lnfancia hacen a llamamiento a romper los circulos de la pobreza through medidas that allow for an inclusive and egalitarian educational system that approaches desigualdades.
The infancia de origen migrante: the most vulnerable
Los niños, niñas and adolescents of origen immigrant are more vulnerable. Spain, according to Eurostat, is the country of the European Union with the largest tax of poverty between children, children and teenagers whose fathers or mothers have foreign origin. Currently, 7 of every 10 years of less than 18 years of ancestors of foreign origin are at risk of poverty and social exclusion. More than half (52.5%) of childhood and adolescence with mixed families find themselves in the same situation. Esto quiere decir que deven alguno de sus progenitores (mother or father) de nacionalidad extranjera. These data are very distant from the menores with the progenitors of the Spanish nation, and the share of riesgo de pobreza is 23.5%.