(CNN Español) — River y Boca tuvieron una semana dulce en la Copa Libertadores. Ambos ganaron y se clasificaron para los octavos de final del máximo continental tournament. Ese mismo go does not hold him in the local Argentine championship.
Only 6 fechas from the final of the certainty, River Plate remains firm as the bet of the competition. Es que el millonario sacado le 10 points de ventaja a Talleres de Córdoba, su inmediato perseguidor. En tempo que Boca goes a los tumbos, with a low yield that locates it in the mitad de la tabla de posiciones.
We see how each one of the giants of Argentine football is connected.
River, the locomotive of the championship
Martín Demichelis’ team took charge of the last martes de cerrar stage in Group D of the Copa Libertadores with a solid implementation. The ganó to The Strongest de Bolivia 2-0, with goals from Miguel Borja and Rodrigo Aliendro. Finalized with 10 units, in the second location behind Fluminense, which finished first due to the difference in goals.
Este sabado el Millonario will visit Barracas Central in the Claudio ‘Chiqui’ Tapia stadium, appointed as a home starter by the president of the Asociación del Fútbol Argentino (AFA), who is a recognized leader of the club. The match will be played at 2:00 pm Miami time, and in the event of three points being won, the crowning will take place.
For this duel, it is possible that Demichelis calls the football mantra “el equipo que gana no se toca”. The DT will be able to count with the same owners that on Tuesday I’m starting to play in the Más Monumental stadium by certainly the continental one. Robert Rojas, in defense, and Enzo Perez, in midfield, do not finish the match to bear the traumas, even if they enter normality during the week and, apparently, do not tend to inconveniences during the game.
In this case, the ’11’ owner of the team of the red band can request a payment from Franco Armani; Milton Casco, Robert Rojas, Paulo Diaz, Enzo Diaz; Enzo Perez, Rodrigo Aliendro; Nicolás De la Cruz, Nacho Fernández, Esequiel Barco; Luca Beltran.
El millonario, scores 50 points, resulting in 16 wins, 2 matches and 3 derrotas. He scored 79% of the points.
Enfrente estará el Barracas Central which alternated a swinging pace in a series of parties and productions. In front of the denominations big teams, such as Independiente and Racing sent equal matches, before San Lorenzo got a win and was defeated by Boca Juniors.
The school led by Sergio Rondida is a team of great impetus and enters parties of great resonance as if it were the Saturday before River Plate. The smaller size of its stadium, and the stimulus to play before the best team in the championship, heralding a high-vibration duel between Barracas Central and River Plate.
The dates of the party
Fecha: 22 Professional League
Diameter: Saturday 1 July
Plan: 14:00 (Miami) – 15:00 (Argentina) – 13:00 (Bogotá) – 24:00 (Ciudad de México)
Stadium: Claudio Chiqui Tapia
Referee: Leandro Rey Hilfer
Para ver desde Argentina
TV: ESPN Award
Cablevision Flow: ESPN Premium – channel 123
Telecentre: ESPN Premium – channel 111 (digital) and 1117 (HD)
Live tv: ESPN Premium – channel 604 (SD) and channel 1604 (HD)
From mobile devices: on the Star+ platform, from Flow (APP Store or Play Store), DirecTV Go (App Store or Play Store) and Telecentro (App Store or Play Store).
Desde Estados Unidos
In Estados Unidos, he broadcast el partido de River Fanatiz (also in Latin America, except Brazil), Paramount+, AFA Play and TyC Sports Internacional.
Boca transita la mita de la tabla con un juego que no enamora
In the two last parties Boca was a tobogán of emotions. The dysfunctional Xeneize team received a fuerte coup in Mendoza last week’s weekend at the end of the game by 4 to 0. The ‘chubasco’ on earth is a reason that Juan Román Riquelme, vice president of the institution and emblem of the club de la ribera, hopes to madrugada at the plantel in the airport. The bajada de línea was an iceberg that fell on all the plantel.

Boca Juniors midfielder Juan Román Riquelme plays with the trophy of the 2011 Argentine Primera División soccer tournament, in the La Bombonera stadium in Buenos Aires, on December 4, 2011. (ALEJANDRO PAGNI/ AFP via Getty Images)
The reaction if I break a week after. In La Bombonera, the team selected the group stage of the Copa Libertadores with a 4-0 victory of the Monagas de Venezuela, with Marcelo Weigandt, Valentín Barco and Luis Vázquez. The xeneize finished in the first position of group F with 13 units.
In the Liga Profesional de Argentina you see on contracara. Boca doesn’t offer a convincing fútbol. On DT Jorge Almirón I give you a better structure as a team and a more convincing goal. Without the embargo, Boca will not be able to despegar en su volumen de juego weighs to have buenos jugadores.
This Sunday in front of Sarmiento de Junín, Almirón will decide that the team presents a fight of backs with fluctuating and disparate results. The technician is obliged to move the pieces in some puestos. Darío Benedetto, goalscorer from Boca, didn’t play this jueves for pain in his rodilla. He separated him just three days after playing Almirón will confirm l’equipo el mismo domingo.
Boca has scored so far 28 points, produced 8 wins, 4 matches and 9 derrotas. He has 22 points of the leader, River Plate and is 10 points of San Lorenzo, the tercer plantel very close to entering the Copa Libertadores next year.
Enfrente estará Sarmiento, directed by Israel Damonte, who was rewarded in the last fecha una estupenda actuación de local at the 4-1 goal at Atlético de Tucumán. For the duel before Boca, the green team technician has another good news, he will be able to count again with usually regular players such as Guido Mainero, Javier Toledo and the Paraguayan Fernando Martínez, who did not play before the Tucuman team.
Sarmiento holds the same points that Boca, 28, tras haber ganado 7 encuentros, empatado 7 duelos y haber perdido los otros 7 partidos.
¿Cuándo juega Boca against Sarmiento de Junín?
Fecha: 22 Liga Professional
Diameter: Sunday 2 July
Plan: 20:30 (Miami) – 21:30 (Buenos Aires) – 19:30 (Bogotá) – 18:30 (Ciudad de México)
Stadium: The bombonera
Referee: Silvio Makeup
Where to find it in Argentina
TV: TNT Sports
Streams: Flow, DGo and Telecentro Play (with the contratated fútbol pack).