This is the ranking of the best selections in the world; Argentina follows en cabeza


06/29/2023 at 12:36


Argentina’s selection continues at the front of the FIFA world classificationen la que Inglaterra arrebata a Bélgica el cuarto puesto y España maintains its cerrando el ‘top 10’.

The Albiceleste, current universal champion, follows as leader of the runners of France and Brazil on an invariant podium. In return, just for debajo hay changes with el ascenso de Inglaterra y Croacia al cuarto y sexto puestocon lo que relegan a Bélgica y Países Bajos a la quinta y septima plaza.

Italy, Portugal and Spain are cierran el ‘top 10’to which Estados Unidos is acerca, recent ganadora de la Liga de Naciones de la CONCACAF, which surpasses the Suiza. Mexico also underwent a position, it dropped in Germany and settled at the decimocuarta.

Better than Gales (35, -9) and Costa de Marfil (51, -6) are the main leadersUkraine (24th, +6), Escocia (30th, +6), Spain’s rival in the Eurocopa ranking stage, and Armenia (90th, +7) have made impressive progress.

Así is the current classification

1. Argentina 1,843.73

2. France 1,843.54

3. Brazil 1,828.27

4. England 1,797.39

5. Belgium 1,788.55

6. Croatia 1,742.55

7. Países Bajos 1,731.23

8. Italy 1,726.58

9. Portugal 1,718.25

10. Spain 1,703.45

By James Brown

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