From the beginning of September 7, students who wish to study for the degree of Medicine in Alicante will go with their separate faculties for just 12 kilometres. It exists, of the Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (UMH), located in the facilities of the Hospital de Sant Joan, y una nueva, of the Universidad de Alicante (UA), located on the campus that the academic entity holds in San Vicente of the Raspeig. The rector of the UA, Amparo Navarro, gives it por hecho, ya that he accounts with the consent of the TSJ, who issued an auto on June 12th in which he denied the precautionary suspension ordered by Juan José Ruiz, rector of the UMH. Without the embargo, the conflict could spread to the courts, it may be that the ilicitano campus has initiated litigation, even before the high court, against the “administrative irregularities” of the creation of its rival’s new degree. The War of Medicine, which broke out in 1996, before the opening of Eduardo Zaplana’s Ilicitano campus, continues alive and with open wounds.
The conflict broke out with the visceral meeting between Zaplana, the president of the Generalitat and the rector of the UA, Andrés Pedreño. The popular director extremized his intentions to some extent at the Alicante y Pedreño campus impeded him, shielding him from university autonomy. Finally, Zaplana decided to create a new university in Elche and, for academic weight funding, ordenó the segregation of the Facultad de Medicina de la UA, which había dado salida ya 15 promociones de facultativos. The tension between the ambos was unbearable. At the beginning of the course of 1996, Zaplana, escorted by a large representation of high popular cargoes, began presiding over the act and the rector impeded the entrance to his installations. The rectors’ conference (CRUE) took place in Pedreño. In December of this same year, the Generalitat oficialized the birth of the UMH, with the studies of Medicine arrebatados in the UA.
More than 25 years ago, ambos campus maintains a cordial relationship. Pero nadie olvida el bombardeo de Medicina. Ruiz assured last week that this conflict did not affect “in general” the collaborations between ambas entidades, but he confides that the creation of the new degree in San Vicente “is a point of contention” that was supposed to be “political revenge” for what happened has a quarter of a seal, ya who has been the Consell presided over by Ximo Puig who has given validation to the intentions of the AU. Navarro, for his part, assures that his university “doesn’t want to think about the title” at the beginning of the excision. “Debería pour como algo normal”, he maintains, “que una universidad pida un título para el que está preparada”. “We must be happy that the province has two degrees of medicine in public entities,” he says.
The papeleo para volver a imparter esta titulación in the UA started in 2018, under the mandate of the rector Manuel Palomar. In 2022, ya con Navarro as rectora, “the Generalitat authorized it, and we held it two years to implant it”. Todo está preparado, asegura, “el profesorado, las fichas de las asignatures, la distribución de las aulas y los laboratories”. He also trusted in the high pre-enrolment of former students, in a career “con mucha demandata”. Only this pending the construction of the Human Anatomy building, which he trusts in what is happening in the second quarter and which “will also give service to the Enfermería or Criminología, among other titles”. For more adelante, the Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud will group Medicine, Enfermería y Nutrición en unas instalaciones situadas junto al Colegio Mayor. The rector announced to the Consejo Rector that the lessons arrive on September 7 as normal, learned in the car of the TSJ that denies the suspension precautionary order by the UMH, in a foul that signals that “the implantation of the degree of Medicine in the UA does not perjudica a la UMH,” Navarro said.
El rector de la entity ilicitana, sin embargo, no ceja. Last week he announced that he will present a dispute before the TSJ for “very serious administrative irregularities” which, in his case, acarrea la puesta en marche de la titulación in Alicante, which qualifies the “locura”, and which “may generate responsibility for distinct character”. Ruiz affirms that the authorization from the Escuela Valenciana de Estudios de la Salud part of “un informa sesgado y mutilado” and firmado “por un responsabil político y no por el jefe de servicio, que informó desfavorablymente”. Para el rector de la UMH, “se debe pedir a la Consejería de Universidades un informe previo de viabilidad” and other de “la Consejería de Economía subre la viabilidad económica”. Ruiz said that “there is no” ninguno de estos dos estudios. The battle in the courts queda lejos de llegar has an armistice.
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With the ruido de sables de fondo, the Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Alicante (COMA) “no se pronunciation”. The collegial entity believes that “the plazas are offered in good conditions” and that “both the Government as well as the different autonomies” carries out a “medium and large-scale study on the existing medical demographics in the national context and on the social needs of the different specialties. The CESM medical union, in exchange, is positioned “in opposition to the decision of the UA”, following its general secretary in the Valencian Community, Víctor Pedrera. “The problem is not in the facultades and their egresados”, he declared, “until the existing tapón in the bag of specialists and in the escape” of doctors “entre comunidades autónomas, al extranjero and hacia el sector privado”. “We don’t intend to open medicine for more than 60 alumni,” he continues, “and the AU is asking for 20 million and expanding the UMH, 500,000 euros,” according to his estimates.