The ordeal of Luis Suarez

Act. at 10.19pm


The exdelantero del Barça hovered seriously on retirada por los serious problems in ambas rodillas that they have hecho sufrir desde el año 2014

Alberto Guerra, president of Gremio, explained that Uruguay may need a prosthesis due to an arthrosis in the right rod

Luis Suárez retirement rumors disappear after a day in the middle of the Brasileño ‘GZH Esportes’ informed that The Uruguayan footballer se habría directed a los directives de Gremioclub with the one that holds the finals of the next year 2024, to communicate that Tiene Planado Dejar El Fútbol Professional. No however, to weigh that Suárez habría dicho basta después de estar jugando estos últimos meses con dolores en su rodilla, The ram has entered the convocation for the party that Gremio disputes this madrugada.

Hours before his presence was known by the shock, and his injury was reported this jueves by the president of the League, Albert Warwhat a quiso to explain the real situation of Luis Suárez. Unas aclaraciones que no hacen más qu’vivar los opening voices.

In an event with the hinchas del equipo brasileño in the city of Porto Alegre, Guerra explained that the FC Barcelona exdelantero may need a prosthesis due to osteoarthritis in his spine. Además, the president has decided to do it the current situation of the goalscorer “es grave”. “Es mucha injection, a lotos medicamentos y él está llegando a un límite y cuando se está en el límite uno no sabe“, declared the president of the Brazilian club without mentioning nada de una posible retirada of the Uruguayan delantero ex of Ajax, Liverpool or Atlético, además of Barça.

Según el citado medio, en los próximos días se produrrà a meeting between Suárez and the managers of the Gremio to get to know an acquaintance and already the team. From the Brazilian club, however, they confirm that the entity will manifest itself “in short” in the state of its criminal star, without confirming or denying the public information, which runs like dust.

The international ‘charrúa’ llegó a Gremio at the beginning of this mismo año y ya se won the admiration of all fans, noting catorce goles en los 26 partidos que contested, además de ofrecer ocho asistencias.

An authentic weighing

It is not the first time that the rodilla derecha has harassed Luis Suárez, therefore In the year 2020 I had some meniscus surgery that I had several months apart from the playing fields I played in FC Barcelona. In this period of baja de 149 días, el futbolist 12 parts of the conjunto azulgrana were lostclub to the one who had been cleaned of rodilla injuries in the Liverpool There he is Ajax.

More than this cirugía, which was converted into it su lesión más ‘serious’ as a footballer until the moment, Luis Suárez has ido sufriendo various contratiempos relacionados with his rodilla que, sumados a otros issues with el tobillo, l’han hecho pass through an authentic ordealaccentuated ahora mientras ejerce en Gremio.

Continuing with his team at FC Barcelona, the ram was used in other 16 parties as azulgrana. Los periods más destacados tuvieron lugar en mayo de 2019, por a meniscal tear because it took me a monthand in August of the same year, por a pantorrilla lesion that dejó KO el mismo tiempo. In 2019 also sufrió esguinces de tobillo leves and other unspecified rodilla problems.

The beginnings of martyrdom

Luis Suarez, that llegó al Barça in 2014 through an operation on the meniscus izquierdo just before the Mundial de Brasilsufrió también un problem en el muslo in 2015, muscular desgarro in 2016 and another lesion of muslo in 2017. From ahí, come la pesadilla to arrastrar ya desde verano de ese mismo año los rodilla issues dropped at five different times between 2017 and 2018.

Tras una grande etapa en Barcelona, ​​​​​​Suárez marched to the Athleticdove tuvo algo più di suerte en sus dos años como rojiblanco. In the medical part of the Metropolitano, trauma, a muscle injury and the Coronavirus are constant, which supusieron a total of 8 bass parties. So well I flew to rodilla izquierda pain in august 2021he can recover in 12 days without ausantarsi in any compromise with Simeone’s orders.

And when everything seems to indicate that this part of the body can’t cause serious problems, su situation se ha vuelto a torcer until the point of considering your withdrawal as a very real option. Luis Suárez was amazed before the toughest decision of his career.

By James Brown

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