The inquiry of EL PAÍS and the SER claimed the result of the PP and the preference that no one may have | General Election 23J | Spain

El pasado lunes, EL PAÍS y la Cadena SER publicaron l’ultima entrega de la encuesta diaria que la consultora 40dB. he was made up from the campaign start that pointed to the fact that the PP would win the comedians with 135 casts and 32.9% of the votes, barely a candidate less and only six decimas by debajo of the result won by the populars in the polls (33.5%). El sonde también dio en la diana en su another main conclusion: que las fuerzas de la derecha no sumaban mayoría absoluta.

Se in algo failed aquella última entrega del monitoring, before the legal ban on publishing encuestas in the recta finale of the campaign came into force, es que subestimó el resultado del PSOE. So the calculation gave a 28.7% and 110 escaños, tres puntos menos y 12 diputados por debajo de lo conquistado este domingo. In all cases, the probe ya señalaba that los socialistas estaban recovering tras haber sufrido a retroceso continued during the previous week at raíz del cara a cara between Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

The final result has also deviated into its most detached magnitudes of the one that signaled the first query published at the beginning of the campaign. Sound 40dB. I insisted that the forces of right not tenían mayoría absoluta and otorgaba them in joint 169 parliamentarians, justo those who observed this Sunday and only with light deviations in the department between PP and Vox, ligeramente más favor a la extrema derecha que el conquistado finally. En cuanto a Sumar, los diferentes los tracings they have ido situando it in return to 13% of the votes in los 30-36 diputados. In the end it was quedado en el 12.31% e 31 escaños.

In the last year, and with more intensity in the days of the campaign, the Spaniards have witnessed an unheard-of avalanche of encounters. In its mayoría, estos trabajos demoscópicos fueron drawing the image of which the fuerzas del derecha encaminaban hacia an inexorable triumph. It has not been the case of the barometer that EL PAÍS and the SER have published in the last year. With different oscillations, los trabajos de 40dB. they signaled a greater equal of forces between the two main parties and almost every month a scenario that in general lines seems to be much to the one who climbed the ballot boxes, since none of the two blocks holds mayoría and with Junts rigid en árbitro de la situation.

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Recibe cada tarde el bulletin Election diarywith analysis by Ricardo de Querol, sub-director, and Luis Barbero, editor-in-chief jefe de edición.

By James Brown

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