The European Parliament approved this position prior to the Presidential Commission’s proposal to large European companies or with a forced billing in the EU to identify and eliminate practices that also promoted child labour, forced labour, contamination or degradation of the environment and the loss of long-term diversity across all cadences of its operations. The so-called directive on due diligence of companies in the field of sustainability, which imposes fines of up to 5% of the global billing of corporations that do not meet the requirements, thus being an important step, could mean that the good visa of the Eurocámara — Weigh al voto in contra de los diputados del PP y de Vox – permite pasar a las negotiaciones finales con los Estados miembros para acordar un texto legal definitive.
The proposal received a total of 366 votes in favour, 225 against and 38 abstentions. Among those who have requested the text are the deputies of the PP and the Voxes, who complained about the socialist Ibán García del Blanco. “It is dramatic that the Partido Popular español is aligned with the most demanding part of the European right,” he declared. With his negative vote, “the Eurodeputies of the PP convey the idea that for them it is normal that a European multinational uses the hand of a child’s work in any place in the world and that there is no way to send them explanations. Tras la anodina imagen del señor Feijóo sesconde el PP más regresivo de su historia”, accused the MEP, who recalled that the EPP had not shown its rechazo to the legislation during the extensive negotiation of the text, hecho que demuestra que casi medio centenario de eurodiputados del EPP si hayan apoyado este jueves la ley. Fuentes of the PP replies to Eurocámara that he is used to “an enormous lack of will from the other political groups to obtain consensus in such a delicate matter as this” and complains that the approved text is not adequate, and that, among others , “some of the compromising criminals have committed crimes to companies, and are demasiado grave ones, especially with the pymes”, although these in principle will not be affected.
The new rules apply to EU-based companies in any sector, ‘including financiers’ with more than 250 employees and turnover exceeding €40m. Once the final form has been approved, this directive will also sometimes apply to those parent companies with more than 500 employees and a global turnover exceeding 150 million euros. In that respect to non-European companies, they will also be affected by those whose billing rebases the 150 million euros, with less than 40 million generated in the EU.
Transition plan
In defense of the environment and biodiversity, the company will develop a transition plan to limit global cooling to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In the case of companies with more than a thousand employees, the fulfillment of this plan will have repercussions in the variable part of the executive remuneration, the bonuses.
As far as respect for human rights is concerned, society tends to be medidas with respect to the afectados por su actividad, between the activities of human rights and the environment, they must introduce a mechanism of claims and supervision to “regulate” the effectiveness of their due diligence policy. And they will tend to facilitate information about this policy to reversers.
Once the directive was approved, in the negotiations that were to culminate during the Spanish presidency of the EU, the companies tended to plazo de tres años to apply the new rules, depending on their size and billing. Once fully in force, infractoring corporations may face sanctions which they will have to impose on national supervisors. Van desde multas of the type name and shame, You decide, to publish the infraction and the name of the violator, to withdraw your products from the market or to include more than “at least 5% of the global billing” of the merged company. Furthermore, non-European infringed firms will be excluded from the EU public procurement market.
During the discussion of the text, in the plenary session of the miércoles in Bruselas, hubo repeated mentions of the Rana Plaza catastrophe, el complejo fabril en las afueras de Dhaka (Bangladesh), cuyo colapso el 23 de abril de 2013 caused the death of 1,130 personas y heridas a más de 2,500 y provoked an international revulsion on working conditions throughout the textile industry. The European legislation that drives it now seeks to avoid catastrophes and labor exploitation such as the one that expuso el Rana Plaza, although some defenders of human rights and the environment consider that it does not go sufficiently lejos.
“Esta ley es un tigre sin dientes y sin garras, faltan mechanisms de Estado para obligar a que se cumplan y respect las leyes laborales y derechos humanos”, lamented the activist against child labor and forced labor Fernando Morales de la Cruz , founder of Café for Change.
For the WWF environmental organization, although the text of the Eurocámara assumes an “advance” with respect to the proposal of the EU Council, “follow having space for more to obtain crucial details that impede the objectives of the law to protect the planet and the human rights to give corporate conduct and to support the companies that seek sustainability”. For the NGO, there is more to the matter of due diligence in the environment, climate transition plans and the question of the remuneration of the directives of the companies “to guarantee that the law is significant for companies like the planet” .
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