At least 13 migrants died in the shipwreck of a patera acaecido the pass end of the week in front of the Moroccan coasts. Los fallecidos were originally from Senegal. Specifically, from the alrededores of Dakar, según informed ayer to AFP el alcalde of the coastal town of Rufisque. El regidor de esta ciudad Senegalese, Omar Cissé, informed that in the boat viajaban 63 people and that the permanent survivors in the Moroccan city of Dajla tras el suceso. You are from them, originally from Rufisque, permanently in the hospital of Dajla, following Cissé, who makes sure you are working with the local authorities to permit their repatriation. Information regarding the success has not been confirmed by the Moroccan authorities.
The hacia Canarias migratory route has seen a reactivation of activity on the north-west coasts of Africa in recent weeks, even if the political crisis in Senegal has made the llegada de cayucos hacia las Islands disappear. The Fiscalía española denounced ante los Juzgados de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria the shipwreck of the lancha neumática which hundió al sur de la isla il 21 de junio, tras 10 horas esperando la llegada de un barco de rescate. That shipwreck caused 36 deaths and disappearances —una de ellas, una niña de unos cinco años—. The ministerio público held that a delito de omisión del deber de socorro had been committed.
The President of Senegal, Macky Sall, has made a public announcement in which he honors “the memory of the fallen victims in the recent shipwrecks”. The Senegalese representative was also lousy to the Government “which intensifies controls on possible boarding pick-up points, but has also despised all systems of surveillance, awareness and defense of young people to fight against illegal emigration”.
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