Sarah Ferguson, 63, recently intervened for a mother’s cancer in a London hospital and the prognosis of enfermedad es “bueno”, según pointed to a spokesman for the Duquesa of York.
In a press release issued this Sunday 25 June, the bearer of the ex-sposa of príncipe Andrés, hermano menor del rey Carlos III, reported that “Sarah, the Duchess of York, was recently diagnosed with an early form of childhood cancer detected in a routine mammography”. “She recomended them sometime to cirugía, lo cual lei hizo de forma exitosa,” she pointed out. Según counted his own duquesa de York en su podcasts, emitido este lunes, fue sometida a la mastectomia de un pecho. Something else, she says, would like to count in the public to animate all the people who receive medical checks: “It is vital”, she assures. “Es muy important que hable sobre eso. No me importa si nadie quiere saber de mí,” she stated in Tea Talks with the Duchess and Sarah. “Se lo digo a la gente desde aquí perche quiero que ogni persona que escuche este podcasts vaya y se haga un chequeo, vaya y se examinado”.
The misma fonte dijo que “the duquesa is receiving the mejor cuidado médico and her doctors have told her that the forecast is good. She ahora she will recover with su familia of her ”. Segun informed The Telegraphbetween several days spent in the King Edward VII private hospital, located in the center of London and in which they were treated over the years various members of the British royal family, Ferguson ya ha sido dada de alta y se si si he will resume in Royal Lodge, the house in Windsor that he compares with his exmarido, whom he divorced in 1996 and seems to have maintained a close relationship.
The spokesperson added that “the duquesa wish expressed her immense gratitude to all the medical personnel who assisted her in the last few days” and is “also immensely pleased with the personnel who performed the mamography that identified the disease, that did not present any symptoms, and I believe that his experience makes it possible to demonstrate the importance of carrying out regular formal medical checks”. Of what they have not informed and yes she is going to have some more deals in the future.
During the past week, he did not see Prince Andrés in any public act, even as a regular, in the multitudinarian careers of Royal Ascot. Also if I go to his son less than him, the princess Eugenia, who was converted to mother of his second son from the beginning of the month of June. Yes, I can see in the hipódromo his hija mayor, the princess Beatriz. Tras conocerse el domingo su intervention of him and the emisión este lunes de su podcastscrossed the Duquesa of York ha querido dar las gracias on your Instagram account: “Muchas gracias a todos por vuestra amabilidad y apoyo”, he wrote on a profile in which there are 600,000 followers.
The Duchess of York spoke about her diagnostics in known podcasts, Tea Talks with the Duchess and Sarah. A conversation that takes place a day before its operation. In an initial moment, the episode was tense that it would broadcast the past jueves, but the chapter retrasó hasta hoy, cuando Ferguson ya found recovering in his house. “Quiero haceros saber que la duquesa de York has recently been involved in mama’s cancer. Even as big as this has had an impact on all of us, but the Duquesa de York has been kept strong ”, fill the episode Sarah Thomson, with whom she shares the podcasts. “I am returning this as a green gift to change my life. Per cuidarme, per dejar de intender arreste todo lo demás. I think: ‘¿Vas a tomarte en serio now Sarah?. Me voy a poner en forma ”, añade her.
The conscience and apoyo a los enfermos de cancer is also in what the Duquesa de York has had years involved, something she also recalled in the episode. For decades, Sarah Ferguson has worked with the Teenage Cancer Trust. In 2019, in the annual gala of the Breast Cancer Foundation celebrated in the Islas Caimán, she habló sobre esta fermedad. “Esa cosa escondida y aterradora, la palabra cáncer, la gran C”, dijo entonces her during an interview on local television. “Luego, además de eso, está la palabra ‘mama’: people simply don’t use it. The secret of the Breast Cancer Foundation is creating awareness and decir que está bien. No está bien, por supuesto que es awful. But if you keep it, or worry about it, or believe that it is possible, see who sees it again and here we are to help you”. An intervention in which the duquesa recorded that various members of her family had died of cancer, including her father’s father when she was 50 years old and also her father, who died of prostate cancer. In 2021, she opened a clinic in Polynia to support women who are studying to recover from a mastectomy, a visit that she described as something “emotional”. “I’m glad to have been infected with so many cancer patients that I can get rid of these certain tips that can help me right now,” Fergie acknowledges, as she’s called coloquially, she’s on podcasts.