Sánchez calls for the “double value” of the PSOE vote en las circunscripciones pequeñas y medianas | General Election 23J | Spain

Chosen by the laboratory of Alberto Núñez Feijóo with pensions and appreciated for the need to record the distance with the PP, for delante in all matches, except the CIS, Pedro Sánchez wanted to sacar to clarify his unpredictable style with a mitin en Huesca which had to interrupt its presence for a while at the meeting between the EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) of this moons and this martes in Brussels. A tour of guide that nadie foresees and that gives to the claras the importance that the restos —the last escaños that are reparten— go to have in many of the median and small circumscriptions.

The socialists are juegan escaños that can decide the color of the Government in all the provinces in those that have added acts at the last hour. The prize en el aire is double: the diputado who won the coast of the PP and who in his vez would lose the bloc de la derecha. And viceversa. But the election of Huesca went more into the battle that PSOE and PP looked for the third constituency runaway. The socialists defend the two they get in the last general conditions in the face of PP crecido. The difference between between was less than 10,000 votes (38,100 for 29,800), mientras Vox (17,200) and Unidas Podemos (14,000) were quedaban without prize.

Sánchez’s application to the vote was particularly intense between the hecatomb of the izquierda el 28-M. Los socialistas perdieron ese dia casi todo su poder institucional —seis de las nueve comunidades autónomas que presidían y docenas de ayuntamientos— in una noche aciaga en la que la división a la izquierda del PSOE convirtió a la ciudad de Huesca en el major ejemplo, y symbol, de lo que en Ferraz y La Moncloa no quieren que el 23-J vuelva to occur. “To all those who voted progresista and no socialist in Huesca quiero decirles that the vote in the PSOE holds a double value porque quatro años más de advances sociales guaranteed and it is the only vote that holds back Feijóo y Abascal”, stressed Sánchez before a millar of personas in a central hotel of the oscense capital. El aún president de Aragón, Javier Lambán, witnessed the act, although he did not participate.

The rupture of the confluences burdened Lorena Orduna (PP) as a new alcaldesa with 12 concejales, por los 10 socialistas. Vox obtuvo tres. The drama for the izquierda was that Podemos presented itself alone with an apoyo of 4.68%, slightly by encima de Cambiar Huesca (IU) with el 4.47%. La Chunta, also progressive, all backed by 4.47% and fair by 4.3%. Among the cuatro fuerzas they gained 4,400 votes and an apoyo of 17.88%, but they quedaron without representation. “No se puede quedar ni un voto en casa ni despistar el voto para que el único retroceso que existenta el de la lie del PP con Vox“, Insisted the president of the Executive. “¡No tengamos ninguna duda, vamos a ganar las electiones generales! Os pido que en estos seis días de sprint finally we dedicated all the moments to talk with the people and explain them the project of the PSOE for Aragón y para España”, said Pilar Alegría, the Minister of Education and head of the list of Zaragoza.

The president of the government released the Sunday on his agenda, which will prevent her from attending the gala dinner in the month, to celebrate a partido act that, like this Tuesday in San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa) and the jueves in Lugo, no they were foreseen in the initial designer of the PSOE campaign. However, the mitin that Sánchez signed in Santander for the first time and that they reflect how he corrected the original strategy, with only four mitines and reversed in a total case for interviews in the medium and in programs of maximum audience. “Feijóo no le verdad ni al médico, lo que teneren que saber los diez millones de pensionistas es que PP and Vox systematically voted against the revaluation of pensions and Feijóo fue a Bruselas a decir que la reforma de las pensions que las la re-evaluation will be a mistake. The one who has made the PP has sido boyicotear the reform of pensions and the Toledo pact”, he said in a letter to which he joined when he took 20 minutes and which he reiterated on his morning message in Bruselas. “Feijóo últimamente se nos está cubriendo de gloria: él mismo se define como un politicco con trazabilidad. Hoy ya sabemos cuál es: the lie. Ours lied when he said that the PP voted in favor of the revaluation of pensions. When it comes to economic data, it seems to be misunderstood that it is growing from the EU media encyclopedia. Where there are 21 million contributors to Seguridad Social,” destacado Alegría said.

Within this approval of the PSOE will concentrate the vote útienden se entienden los mitines de Sánchez in San Sebastián and Lugo, where the PP will be able to approve the demolition of the izquierda per rascar sendos escaños a costa del PSOE. The mitin of jueves pasado of the socialist candidate in Santander responded on the wrist with the PP for the electorate of the PRC: Miguel Ángel Revilla has taken the decision not to present himself in the general elections in order to lose the Gobierno de Cantabria. “July 23rd must decide between those who have been working day and night for people or give them the reason for quienes During four years they have dedicated themselves to destroying”, he sent Sánchez before returning to Bruselas in the mountain peaks with the Celac.

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