PP and Vox coincide in your discussions against the Government in the debate you are at | General Election 23J | Spain

During the day of reflection, the next day 22, se habrá celebrado a cara a cara sin apenas propuestas electorales, a debate a quatro en el que solo estaban previewed tres -por las calabazas del PP- y uno a sei, el celebrado este bambini in RTVE, with the spokesmen of Vox, EH Bildu and ERC, who starred in the campaign of the generals and formerly, the one of the autonómicas, beating allusion brands for part of the two candidates with positions to preside over the Government: Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Representatives of 320 of the 350 congressmen entered the studio in a mix to distribute 125 minutes —in four thematic blocks— and 18 cameras. And with all, the debate was more orderly and included many more propuestas than when the time had split between two, four days earlier.

Aitor Esteban, the veteran spokesman of the PNV, —tres líderes of the PP, dos of the PSOE and other tantos de Ciudadanos contemplan—, opened the blockade of the economy and the debate to criticize the execution of the European funds. He took one second to mention the cupo vasco. Algo menos de los que dejó pasar el portavoz de Esquerra Republicana, Gabriel Rufián, para citar a Juan Carlos I: robado supuestamente lasted 40 years”.

In a first moment in which Patxi López, the socialist spokesperson, and Cuca Gamarra, the PP, tried a second vision of the enfrentamiento between Sánchez y Feijóo in Atresmedia, mutually reproducing “the minds” of Monday, the debate was reconciled hacia los thematic blocks, much less confusing than in the cara a cara. Gamarra and Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, de Vox, fundieron varias ocasiones sus discursos al plantar operations practically identical in su análisis económico —más sombrío que el del restaurant de spokespersons—; in the critics at ley del solo yes es yes y abordar la okupación or the situation in Catalonia.

“La obsesión de Sánchez”, declared the spokesman of the PP, “no ha sido la política social, sino cómo pasar a la history. And it will be the history of law that has benefited violators, pederastas and asesinos. Paz en el Consejo de Ministers mattered more than what passed for women”. Espinosa de los Monteros also dedicated variations of his interventions to the la ley del solo sí es sí and unfolded a sign with the figure of agresores beneficiados por la norma. As a continuation, he bound violations with immigration, which various spokespersons afearoned.

The debate on ley del solo sí es sí también dejó ver los roces between ERC and Sumar. Rufián signaled it various times, pointing out that he was the first who did it this night, that he was “very proud” as much of the norm as the minister Irene Montero, who was quedó was on the lists of the coalition led by Yolanda Díaz. Sumar’s spokeswoman, Aina Vidal, replied: “Yo también” and criticized “el populismo punitivo” de Vox, who promised to endure more serious crimes.

También coincided with PP and Vox in pointing out the Government’s agreements with Bildu and ERC. Rufián enters Gamarra y Espinosa de los Monteros one of the infantile and Catalan magazines whose subscription canceled the Ayuntamiento de Burriana (Castellón), governed by the popular and voice. And as a continuation he is another gift, this is the word, to the voice of the popular. Addressing the socialist Patxi López, she said: “The situation in Catalonia is not better, it is different. But we have achieved what we don’t want, that we oblige us to do, such as honoring the people of prison” [se refería a los indultos del procés]. “¿Ves?” Gamarra replied, aiming at López with a smile of oreja a oreja: “Hay que reconocer que Rufián es sincero. Pidieron un precio para apoyarles en el Gobierno y ustedes lo pagaron”.

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You are a spokesperson, at least before starting the discussion on RTVE this summer.
Kiko Huesca (EFE)

The socialist spokesman refiried all the time to Gamarra y Espinosa de los Monteros as “the alliance of extreme right” and exploited, over the past, the pacts of bipartisan governments in Castilla y León, Extremadura and the Valencian Community. “The only terrorism that fails to eradicate in this country is the machista and use the patto con quienes lo niegan,” he said.

El portavoz de Vox, partido que, gracias al PP, gobierna en Extremadura, Castilla y León y la Comunidad Valenciana, hizo una apasionada critítica del diseño constitucional del Estado. “Ten of autonomous communities, 17 regional parliaments, 17 taifas reinos,” he said. Members of his party occupy the presidency of the cuatro de esambleas regionalis.

Esteban has registered, in any case, que había “dos patatas calientes: la catalana y la euskalpatata” and criticizes the PP for “normalizing a la extrema derecha y meterlos en los gobiernos autonómicos”. “They have passed an insummable raya. Nosotros, with Vox, nada de nada”. The spokesperson of the PNV was also addressed to Oskar Matute, of EH Bildu, to reassure her that they should be located near the PP and the extreme right. “It is good to decide that there is an agreement between PNV, PP and Vox. Ya está good to lie”. Y lui añadió, sobre a quién lui apoyará as presidential candidate: “Aquí, el Rey se tendrá que mojar, ver si deja que se presente [a la investidura] which he represented on the PP with Vox. If de Sánchez shows up, we’ll hablaremos, desde nuestro programa y con garantías, ma con los intereses de Euskadi por delante. Nosotros no somos muletas de nadie”.

También coincided with the PP and Vox in the criticisms of the law of democratic memory, defended by the rest of the spokesmen. Y en los ataques a EH Bildu. Espinosa de los Monteros was more than anything and insinuated that Matute could have been wrapped up in ETA custody. “Yo estaba en la eve pidiendo la libertad de Miguel Ángel Blanco. ¿Dónde estabas tú?”, replies and representative of EH Bildu. López accused the “alianza de extrema derecha” of “sacar a pasear el phantasm of terrorism” and regóró that muchos socialistas se habían “jugado la vida” to defender la paz.

The spokesmen of the groups that supported, with their abstention or vote in favour, the investigation of Sánchez and, some 200 leyes asked in the march by the government of the coalition, also approved to air old protests, cooked taxes during the legislature, also se todos compartieron, alo off the debate, on rechazo a la alliance entre el PP y Vox. López reproached the ERC with the vote against the labor reform and Rufián and Matute complained that they were not linked to an agreement to change the ley bites.

Sumar’s spokesperson also marked the distances and a proper profile with the coalition partner, the PSOE, and assured that she would suffer the edad de jubilation a los 70 años es, for Yolanda Díaz’s brand, “a red line” . Vidal approved the visibility of the debate and all his interventions to present his proposals: dos millionnes de viviendas sociales, invirtiendo el 1% del PIL pendante diez años, reducir la jornada laboral, un bono para las hipotecas, o la fijación de una basic purchase basket, which the Vox holder calificó de “cartilla de racionamiento”. Rufián planted that mental health therapies enter the public health center and act to combat the figures of juvenile suicide. Other asuntos that just appear in the dear to dear entre Sánchez y Feijóo, like the climatic climate, yes you will hear every year this jueves, when no one enfrentaban the candidates, until two blocked each other more definitively.

Recibe cada tarde el bulletin Election diarywith analysis by Ricardo de Querol, sub-director, and Luis Barbero, editor-in-chief jefe de edición.

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