Poland, which has a month to start its electoral campaign, has joined Hungary to agitate the migration debate. Ultraconservatives Mateusz Morawiecki and Viktor Orban stuck in the madrugada of young people in the viernes las timidas on the emigration of the European cumbre to Brussels, with the fact that the buscan EU leaders push the acuerdos con países de origen y transito — as if sta planning with Túnez— to prevent migrants arriving in the community territory in exchange for economic aid packages. And with this blockade, Hungary and Poland are amending the progress of all the cumbre as a protest for the recent European agreement of “compulsory solidarity, but flexible” which marks a price of reubicaciones for all partners or contribute 20,000 euros for a migrant seeking los Estados que rehusen reubicar y que se alcanzó con su voto en contra. Warsaw and Budapest are asking for their decisions on solitary immigration to be confirmed unanimously. The discussions, which lasted for more than one hour and which estuvieron plagadas de un lenguaje “hard” by part of the ultraconservadores del este, según fuentes comunitaris, will follow this viernes.
The blockade has disappointed the majority of the leaders of the Veintisiete, who aspired to advance in a common language to initiate new acquisitions of economic support in neighboring southern countries, such as Egypt, Nigeria or Libya, including to curb the linkage of pateras, mientras file the details to complete the package with Túnez. De madrugada, at the end of the big meeting, the prime minister of Países Bajos, Mark Rutte, tried to recover the importance of the blockade in the discussions. “Necesitamos ver esta noche si vamos a poder llegar a las conclusions. If we do, fine. But yeah, no, that’s not a big deal, because there’s a lot of insight into the boundaries of the outer dimension [de la política migratoria]”, said Rutte. Even his Belgian counterpart, Alexander de Croo, preferred to be optimistic. “The question of migration is clearly blocked, but the bueno is what our queda mañana [por este viernes] to attempt it”.
“Hay argued that the previous discussions on immigration, included heredadas of 2015 and tenemos che seguer adelante,” commented Kaja Kallas este viernes on llegada a la cumbre tras una grande noche la primera ministra de Estonia. “I create no obstante that there is no difference in the objective of all [los líderes de los Veintisiete]. There is consensus that we have to deal with the external dimension and focus on the fact that the migratory pressure decreases”, added Kallas.
One option that los Veintisiete barajan este viernes, if the debate vuelve a encallar, is simply to pull all points on immigration of the conclusions of the cummbre, in which the líderes ya agreed, for example, to maintain economic and military support in Ukraine in the form of “futuros compromisos de seguridad” or strengthening of the defense industry.
Warsaw – which, together with Budapest, is amenazado con sabotear todo lo relacionado con la politica migratoria de la UE a la que oponen de manera frontal – asks to include in los compromisos de los Veintisiete a point that points out that we will be able to advance in asuntos migratorios without unanimity. Because immigration is currently the “most sensitive and most political point” of all EU members, argued Poland, as a comeback from the 2015 crisis that destroyed the Warsaw and Budapest blocs. And therefore, Morawiecki insists, he demands that decisions on the matter are unanimous. An extreme that calls for many other countries, which claim that nothing in the treaties obliges the migratory questions to be banned if approved by unanimity.
The new regulations of “compulsory solidarity” that apply to Poland and Hungary —dos de los tres pendientes del pact migratorio de la UE frozen desde hace años— received the green light of the ministers of the Interior los Veintisiete a principis de junio en Luxemburgo en el Consejo de los ministries de Justice e Interior, where the bueno de todos visa is not necessary, until a qualified mayoría (al menos 55% de Estados miambro which represents a 65% de población). In the European Council, the organ in which the jefes de Estados y Gobierno discuss, even if unanimous is required for its conclusions to come forward and even if its texts are political statements without legal force, the blockade assumes an important trap. These Regulations must also be approved in “trilogos” format, by representatives of the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission.
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“No es necesario que nos enseñen lo que es la solidaridad”, lanzó Morawiecki knew how llegada a la cumbre. The ultraconservative Ley y Justicia (PiS) government, which meets elections in October and is busy mobilizing its electorate by dividing migration issues, plans to include a referendum on mandatory reubicaciones even though Warsaw has an open door to avoid them reubicaciones Porque is located in one of the main focal points of the requests of asylum seekers of Ukraine, as the European Interior Commission Ylva Johansson discovered this young man. Poland requires también más fondos para protection de fronteras.
Acuerdos con países de origen y tránsito
To advance a conclusion that habían llegado hasta la cita bruselense with very little controversy, some countries even showed provisions to eliminate the two párrafos dedicated to immigration of the cuarentena de points which constituted the final document of the cumbre de jefes de Estado and of Gobierno. The idea will add to the “clear” text of conclusions on the migration of the map sent to the city by the president of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in which the possible steps to give in the “exterior dimension” are clarified in much more detail, it is to be decided, on cooperation with countries of origin and transition of irregular migration. But alas, Poland and Hungary wanted to play with the internal norms, to prevent during the hours that the parties and consensual parties are published, like those dedicated to Ukraine, until the migration point is clarified.
It also seemed that the meetings celebrated in a party by the president of the Council, Charles Michel, with the disident countries (and the apoyo of the French Emmanuel Macron and the German Olaf Scholz) to make them change their opinion and which significantly delayed the dinner of los líderes de los Veintisiete. Leaders will return to many discussions on migration at a meeting where we will talk about both the economy and how to recalibrate the EU’s relationship with China.
The shock of the Polish ultraconservative government with its partners in account of migration is not the only one, nor will it be more serious for its public arcas. Poland, like Hungary, holds contentiosos abiertos con Bruselas a cuenta de sus violaciones del Estado de derecho e su falta de reformas para restablecer l’independencia de la Justice. Specifically, Warsaw will not reimburse the legal exchanges promised to acquire the de jueces disciplinary room in its Supreme Court to access the funds of its recovery plan, 35,360 million.
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