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Ribera pide no dar “ni un paso atrás” en derechos tras “los pactos de la vergüenza” by PP y Vox

The third vice president of the government and minister for ecological transition and the demographic network, Teresa Ribera, has advocated not to give “nei un paso atrás” in the conquest of rights between “the pacts of truth” that PP Y Vox signed in ayuntamientos and autonomous communities.

In declarations to the press on the Orgullo market that happened this Saturday in Madrid, Ribera agreed against the PP to offer as “exchange money” in his pact with Vox to “the women, the inmigrants, the LGTBI collective”, y por poner en duda “el hecho de que podamos vivir en libertad”.

“Aunque haga un calor achicharrante en Madrid, queremos salir a decirlo alto y claro: no queremos dar ni un paso atrás”, said the minister, repeating that “no bastan las palabras” and que “los hechos han de accompañar” the pactado between PP and Vox en los últimos veinte días.

Asimismo, the vice-president recorded to the ‘populares’ that “it is not enough to agree on the demonstration of the Orgullo” and that every day “they hold that preaching with the example” instead of calling and accepting “en sus gobiernos, personas que niegan los derechos , que niegan la ciencia, los advances y son excluyentes”.

Ribera also assured that the position of the Partido Popular will generate “perplejidad” in Europe on the day that the Presidencia española of the Consejo de la UE fills up.

In this sentiment, he complained that in Spain “he has no habit of shame” to agree “at the price that haga falta” with “the extreme right”, unlike other European countries, hence “the republican principle first on any type of alliance” con quienes niegan la existencia de derechos “para todas las personas”.

“Necesitamos decir ya basta, no nos moverán, Seguiremos adelante e invitamos a todo el mundo a que defienda a los derechos frente al insult, la palabra y front a la regression, el progreso y la libertad”, remachado the minister.

By James Brown

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