A Marta Chávarri will find it from the two different strings that fill and finish confluyendo. She was one it’s girl years before that term existed, a influence when Zuckerberg was also a child, a ssociabilitye cuando en España no había. Of course, to define it, you have to resort to extra long words. Además, she weighs on the many women who have imitated her visiting Tejanos with visas have not held herederas clear; she tampoco tuvo antecedentes. No easy era to meet in the social scene of entonces a mujeres cosmopolitas, privilegiadas y sin miedo a caer mal. Ella empezaba y finisi in sí misma. On the other hand, it was used for the esferas más altas del poder masculino y fue victim de un chantaje qu’beneficiaba a otros, siempre hombres, siempre mayores, siempre impunes. The young man from high society accepted his intimidation and was expelled in front of a country that demonized the women who were two of his life.
It all began in 1982. España se desperezaba, el PSOE acababa de ganar sus primeras elecciones por mayoría absoluta y un certain Pedro Almodóvar estrenaba Labyrinth of Passions. Aquel verano se casaban en la Catedral de Plasencia Marta Chávarri, bisnieta del conde de Romanones and hija de diplomato, con uno de los solteros del oro of the moment, Fernando Falcó y Fernández de Córdoba, Marquess de Cubas. The novia was dressed in voluminous mangas of frills hijas de su década of her. Aquel 2 de junio aún no se podía intuir, ma en esas mangas gigantes iban a caber los años 80 españoles. Inside they had space for the financial escándalos, a new social class that unites negocios and aristocracy, and an atolondrada Spain and with ganas de empezar de cero. It was an unpredictable manga in a Spanish upper class vein. Da esa fecha, casi todo en la vida di Marta Chávarri was it.
The marriage lasted you are years and you have a boy, Álvaro, who got ready to make Abuela do one week. During this tiempo, the pareja crossed Madrid from fiesta to fiesta, entonces no habíaeventos. They alternated with Isabel Preysler and Carlos Falcó, entonces cuñados, y se dejaban ver en la noche madrileña sentados en mesas bajas con, por ejemplo, los del Río. In 1988 her popularity was in the highest: that year she was elected Lady of Spain, succeeding the Duquesa de Alba; she ya jugaba in primera liga social. Chávarri spent his childhood and adolescence in the United States and Europe and allí se trajo un estilo semiecuestre con regusto a Ralph Lauren: mix jeans estrechos con americana y botas altas y este convert años más tarde en el uniform de las lady-what-lunch Madrid, the Coello Rangers. This was funded with some codes of the high Spanish class: prizes of good confección, trajes de Chaqueta, bags of great firms such as Bottega Veneta or Vuitton, own jewels and a medium smooth melamine with high maintenance mechas. Todo eso integrated it with the fashion of the 80s: draped minidresses, shadows and media de seda, Marta Chávarri knew what she was wearing and was fond of who in Spain few were animated. All this while she was undergoing a youthful and self-confident activity that she never left; Marta Chávarri smoked and called. It was a few years ago when she defined one of the silhouettes that she most cultivates: the veraniega. Furthermore, holidays in Marbella and Ibiza combined a bañador de una pieza smooth, a pareo muy corta and unas zapatillas de deporte blancas. ¿Dónde se encontraban entonces esas zapatillas en España? No woman, and less of her class than her, used this shoe in any situation. This image of her, bronzed and with sun glasses as a diadem, would be repeated year after year in the grip of the heart, which showed her perfect caramel in her. Each image suya gives rise to an eroticism that does not forgive. Marta Chávarri was solid gold.
A very intriguing final of los 80 dicha imagen de niña gearbox. In February 1988 they were published in Ten minutes Unas photos of her with Alberto Cortina going up to the Schwarzenberg Palace hotel in Vienna. She is the era of the Chief Executive Officer of Construction and Contracts and marries Alicia Koplowitz, alla sazón, heiress of this enterprise and multimillionaire. The exclusive was the confirmation of an infidelity and a love story that took place a year noisy. There are previous photos, all the time before, of these two joints going up from the Galaxia apartments in Madrid, but they have never been published. Las de Viena was the detonator of a financial operation that altered the economic heritage of a country that was building the crosses between the pink world and the economy: Isabel Preylser and Miguel Boyer had casados in 1988, like Carmen Posadas and Mariano Rubio. tras la publication de las fotos he quedó apartado del puesto. At the same time, Esther Koplowitz also explored the infidelity of her husband, Alberto Alcocer, first of Cortina, with Margarita Hernández, secretary of Javier de la Rosa. By the way, in Cortina he estropeó his master plan which consisted of fundir el Banco Central, of which he was consejero, with Banesto y converted into the main financial entity of Spain. Las hermanas marían el poder de la empresa apartando a sus maridos, y convirtiéndose así en dos de las personas más poderosas en la España pre92. This movement was important, because the country was not accustomed to seeing women in puestos altos directivos, tan altos y tan directivos. Este juego de spejos entre primos y hermanas y de intrigas financiers se déstapó with the famous photos of Viena. En ella, a Marta Chávarri de 29 años vestida con vaqueros, americana y chaleco de pata de gallo, started a new phase. She was criticized: she was dextrozahogares. Las Koplowitz seudo canonizadas y él… se salvó.
Two weeks after her publication Marta Chávarri separated from the mutual agreement of the Marques de Cubas; she gave up custody of his hijo and lost the Marquis. It was not a common renunciation of a woman of her class, because the public met with other people to attack her. Once the Vienna scandal broke, the computer was opened: a short time later, other photos were published that once stood in a cajon and had been sido hechas un año antes. Las compró Antonio Asensio, entonces dueño del Grupo Z y editor de Interview And she saw Marta Chávarri in the Mau Mau discotheque dressed in naranja, with a large collar of pearls and inside the back the clear panties, tan of the principles of the 90. yellow media and the photos were seasoned inside the back of the owner: “Lo nunca visto de Marta Chávarri”. Llevaban kept a time in the hope of abandoning the romance and Alberto Cortina did not give in to the song that he had asked her to avoid publication. It is said that Mario Conde was detrás de ellas y que buscaban dañar la imagen de él. La quedó dañada was hers. Fuera quien fuera was responsible, if he used the image of a woman as a pelota of a game that was condemned to loser. She was the perfect victim. Two doors away they left little time, enough for her protagonist to convince Spain’s most persecuted and welcomed woman and another sober man that the whole world held an opinion. Hasta Umbral la llamó: ¨The nymph desbragada of detained social felipismo”. The following week, the magazine El Jueves, regaleba unas bragas con cada ejemplar. They were tiempos salvajes. The images of Interview fueron dynamite for a media, economic and macho storm that puts Marta Chávarri in the center. They forgot that she was a free adult woman.
With Marta Chávarri it was inaugurated in an invasive form of approach to los famed. Cortina and Chávarri were married and their marriage lasted until 1995. The life of the family was shown at a weekly pace in the magazines of the heart. This frecuencia, unthinkable today, permitía digestir con lentitud las informaciones. Hasta 1997 no commenzaría a emitirse Lottery, which changed the rules of the game in the heart print and made its protagonists in the halls of the houses of the medio español. Para entonces, the image of Marta Chávarri había started to difuminarse. She took up some businesses, such as a decoration company in Madrid, so distance yourself from her appearances. España había cambiado, su vida di lei también. Los últimos años lei los vivió alejada de los focos, gall a su media melaena y sus sudaderas di lei. No entrevistas concessions. Su vida di lei was, por fin, suya.