Market Cards | Iniesta is looking for Argentine football: “Ahí estamos, hay contacto”

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Andrés Iniesta reached the final point in his game at Vissel Kobe, but continued to play football here

One of the possible fates for the manchego futbolista is Argentinos Juniors which is currently managed by his friend and former partner Gabi Milito

Andres Iniesta if he forwarded del Vissel Kobe tras five temporadas donde consiguió dos títulos y se ha convertido en a referent in el fútbol nipón. El último partido del mediocampista español was precisely the amistoso ante el Barça disputed ayer.

Pese a poner punto final a su aventura en Japón, Iniesta he made it clear that he still doesn’t want to withdraw from the football. “Creo que siempre nos habíamos imaginado que me retiraría here, was everyone’s desire. Quiero continuar jugando”El de Fuentealbilla explained.

Hace unos days, Gabriel Militoamigo and former partner of the manchego in el Boatcontacted him to intend convencerle de empezar a new adventure in Argentine football of the hand of Argentinos Juniors.

Now, the president of the Argentine club, Cristian Malaspinahabló in ‘TycSport’ sober el interés por Andres Iniesta: “Milito habló con Iniesta para ver si quiere come to the club. Son amigos. No hay nada concrete”.

Andres Iniesta he also hid this possibility and, being asked by the Argentinian ‘influence’ Jero Freixas, made sure that “ahí estamos. Hay contacto”.

This way, Iniesta because you can start a new stage in Argentina, specifically in Young Argentines of the hand of su amigo y current coach of the team, Gabi Milito.

By James Brown

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