Los jueces shorten Bolsonaro’s political career with a disability in each year | International

Brazilian justice has put the political career of the 68-year-old ultra Jair Messias Bolsonaro in the background. The Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE) sentenced him this past year, by five votes to two, for abuse of power to use on his behalf when he was president of Brazil to deslegitimate the elections. The penalty is every year of disability, which in practice implies being excluded from the next electoral races until 2030. The view, followed by thousands of people on YouTube, was celebrated in Brasilia in the run-up to the prosecution. Bolsonaro, who lost the October presidential election to 77-year-old Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva by 58 million votes less than two points, pleaded not guilty and said he intends to follow politics.

The main accusation of this case, one of 16 that he has opened against Bolsonaro, derives from a meeting in which he convened in his capacity as president of the republic a good part of the foreign diplomatic corps. Three months before the elections, the ultra-delelist and propagator of conspiracy theories los recibió in the presidential palace to pronounce ante ellos un encendido discurso en el que arremetió sin piedad contra las autoridades electorales —las mismas que ahora lo han juzgado— y contra security of the voting system. The sentence is also for improper use of the media because the meeting with the diplomats was rebroadcast on public television.

Bolsonaro can reapply for the indictment, but in Brazil on his part assuming that the chances of the sentence being reversed in the higher instances have either escaped or been annulled. For this reason, some of his aliados tried to prepare an amnesty law.

The president of the court, who also framed the Supreme, Alexandre de Moraes, dejado claro in his speech that this is an exemplary sentence. “It is important to create a precedent in the TSE to combat the spread of hatred and falsehoods against the electoral process”, said this masterfully converted into the hombre clave y símbolo de la defense de la democracia brasileña. Moraes, who claims that he is dissuaded from punishing anyone who believes to emulate the liars who attack against the comedians, recorded that for 40 years Bolsonaro was elected with the system that now demands.

The exmandatario reiterated this many years that he fulfilled the constitution. And he proclaimed that “en política nadie mata ni die” before recording: “Aquí en Minas me dieron una puñalada en el estómago [durante la campaña de 2018] and now they gave me a punch in the sword for alleged abuse of political power. (…) Me sacaron de la Presidencia y ahora me han juzgado por mi obra completo [no por el episodio de los embajadores]”.

The ex-president holds multiple judicial fronts abiertos además de este. He was also investigated to listen to the attack más grave sufrido by the Brazilian democracy from the end of the dictadura, in 1985. on 8 de enero, emulating the assault on the Capitolio de los trumpistas. Bolsonaro condemned the invasion, but there were strong indications of what was unfolding in his closest circle. He knew as much as a personal assistant more they seek, a military, as he knew Minister de Justice if they were incautado borradores de minutees to perpetrar a coup de Estado. Both are in prison.

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También is in the miracle of the courts for his management of the pandemic of coronavirus, which has affected more than 700,000 Brazilians and in which, según dictaminó el Senado, cometió crimes against humanity. He also is accused of manipulating his vacunación cartilla y de quedarse con unas valiosísimas joyas das por Arabia Saudí.

This conviction eliminated President Lula’s main opponent from the electoral dispute. El ultraderechista is the first incapacitated president of Brazil, but several of his predecessors have seen his political career cut short or entorpecidal for juices or for Congress. The most recent case, the de Lula, protagonist of a resurrection spent the year and the Middle Ages in the cárcel. The izquierdista was excluded from the games of the comedians of 2018 — who venció Bolsonaro — to be convicted of corruption, in a case that after was annulled. This judicial decision allowed the leader of the Partido de los Trabajadores (PT) to regress from the puerta grande to the political rued and to win a third mandate.

Dilma Rousseff was kicked out of poder in 2016 by a indictment con el argumento de unas maniobras accountables por las que ciamente fue absuelta. Mucho antes, in 1992, Fernando Collor de Mellor también fue destituido por el Congress.

El politólogo Fernando Limongi, of the Fundación Getulio Vargas, warned this viernes in an interview with the Folha de São Paulo sobre los riesgos which involved the interference of the courts in politics. “It is preferable to keep Bolsonaro on the electoral market and that he is robbed in those games that assume this position,” says this investigator nada suspicious of ideological society with the ultra-dealer. Añade Limongi says that, although the convictions against Bolsonaro and against Lula are distinct, “philosophy is the misma, as if the judicial power was a power moderator and had to adopt the elector’s papel”.

For the president of the Partido de los Trabajadores, Gleissi Hoffman, “it is a great day” because “the court has condemned the methods of extreme justice, such as the industrial diffusion of lies, the amenazas a la democracia, the use of the public machine to prosecute los opositores”.

Having confirmed the incapacity of the undisputed leader of the Brazilian derecha in recent years, it is hoped that Bolsonarismo and the rest of this emppiecen ideological flank will build a new director. The two numbers that are most outrageous are the current governor of São Paulo, Tarcisio de Freitas, a soldier who made a career in public administration and was a minister of the ultra-delelist, and Bolsonaro’s wife, Michelle, who is a charismatic woman evangelical who has implied herself in politics to the media that the judicial search is being drawn back to her husband.

The sentence is issued six months after the January 1, upon abandoning the power to pass the elections, Bolsonaro dejara de tener inmunidad por primera vez en tres décades de carrera política. Before he was a soldier. His career as a uniform also ended up in the courts, in this military case. In 1987 Bolsonaro was convicted of conspiring to plant bombs at strategic points in Rio de Janeiro in protest against the low wages of the soldiery. Sentenced in the first instance, he recovered and after that he was declared innocent and set to dejar the army by the back door. He took a political path as a deputy. He was of the lower clergy, known for his nostalgia of his dictation and exabruptos. Surprise of all, a coctel de hatred to the PT, hartazgo y redes sociales catapulted him to the Presidency of the Republic. With the derrota, his political charter was abandoned. Now you won’t have to run for election.

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By James Brown

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