What happened in the last few hours
At 40 días de las electiones generales del 23 de julio, esto es lo más detachado de la journada a las 14.00 de este martes:
Vox y el PP acuerdan gobernar jointos en la Comunidad Valenciana. Vox and the Partido Popular will govern jointly in the Valencian Community, but the candidate of Vox in this autonomy, Carlos Flores, will not be in this coalition agreement, which includes the transfer of various consejerías to the partido de extrema derecha. Flores, convinced of macho violence, went to Valencia’s Congress of Deputies, after which he confirmed his candidate.
El PP and Vox signed a government pact in Elche, where the PSOE was the party with the most votes.El Partido Popular y Vox signed in Elche the agreement with what it hoped to govern, al menos, during the next two legislatures. It is the first municipality in which there is a link between the Partido Popular and the ultratraderecha de Vox, considering that in the municipal elections the most voted list was the one of the Socialist Party. Santiago Abascal’s formation is ha hecho against three concejalías: Familia, Promoción del Empleo y Coordinación de las pedanías.
Feijóo presented a los cabezas de lista para el 23-J: “Vosotros is the candidate for change in Spain”.The president of the Partido Popular, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, presents this Tuesday in Aranjuez (Madrid) to the party’s candidates in Congress and in the Senate for the general elections of July 23. “España desea cambio y vosotros be the candidacy of the gearbox España”, he said said Feijóo in a brief comparison ante on equipo. The leader of the PP has placed all the members of his management committee as list leaders by distinct provinces, thus guaranteeing that they will be accompanied in Parliament.
Albares says the elections will affect the Spanish presidency of the EU “salvo que alguien quiera politizarlo”. The Minister of Exteriors, José Manuel Albares, assured this Tuesday that the celebration of unas generales electiones debería afectar a la Presidencia Española de la Unión Europea because the EU “is customary in this type of situations”.
The PSC rechaza will share the alcaldía de Barcelona with Colau and Maragall as proposed by the municipalities. Los comunes de Ada Colau hold a proposal on the table for a progressive government with PSC and ERC in the Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. The idea is a tripartite alcaldía, divided by turns between the three parties, as a formula to prevent the winner of the elections, Xavier Trias (Junts) from being alcaldi. Four hours after the proposal, from the PSC, Laia Bonet, spokesperson for the negotiations on behalf of the socialists, forcefully requested the proposal.
Enrique Ossorio is elected president of the Asamblea de Madrid. Enrique Ossorio (PP), regional vice president and current education adviser, has been elected this Tuesday as the new president of the Asamblea de Madrid, so he will ask María Eugenia Carballedo in this position, who, now, will continue to act as diputada rasa.