Last hour of the election, live | Podemos quit to compete solo in the Comunidad Valenciana, but Sumar “not contemplated” esa option | Spain

What happened in the last few hours

A 45 días de las electiones generales del 23 de julio, esto es lo más detachado de la jornada a la la 14.00 de este jueves:

Podemos announce a consultation to militancy on negotiation with Sumar de cara at 23-J. The general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, announced that the formation will carry out a consultation on sober militancy integrating with Sumar de cara at las elecciones generales of 23 de julio. “Let’s do everything possible to revalidate the government of the coalition. Para ello vamos a trabajar hasta el final por la unidad. Te pido tu voto en esta consulted a los/as registris/as. Have until morning at 10.00 to vote for it”, wrote Belarra in a tuit. The question that Podemos asks the militancia is the following: and Sumar?”.

Feijóo promises free education from 0 to 3 years in todo el país. The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, announced that the electoral program of the PP includes an initiative to achieve that education from 0 to 3 years is free throughout the country, a media that will finance the media between the state and the autonomous communities. In the Santander Women Now act organized by the Santander bank, Feijóo said that his partido aboga por la igualdad, pero “una igualdad que no enfrente, sin etiquetas”.

Amparo Rubiales is president of the PSOE in Seville. The president of the PSOE of Seville, Amparo Rubiales, has transferred to the party leadership on the renunciation of the cargo para zanjar the controversy born to relaunch his statements in social redes, in the fact that he called the coordinator general of the PP, Elias, “judío nazi” Bendodo. The PSOE of Sevilla sent her a correction, but Rubiales returned to calling Bendodo “Nazi” in another mensaje posterior, complaining that the term “judío” had been used. Since the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, declared on Twitter that these “actitudes cannot have a political position” and the populars asked for immediate action, Rubiales has declined and now the party leadership welcomes them “on availability y labor on this stage”.

Half of Podem Catalunya’s management was an acuerdo with Sumar. Three members of the management of Podem Catalunya have signed a manifesto in favor of that Podemos cierre el acuerdo con Sumar y presentse así in coalition a las electiones generales. Los firmantes suponen practically the mitad del consejo autonómico ciudadano, integrado por 26 personas. The manifesto claims that the acuerdo is the “mjor escenario” for the country. Among the firmantes are Yolanda López, ex-diputada al Parlament and councilor of El Vendrell, and Lucas Ferro, autonomous deputy and elected councilor of Molins de Rei.

The coordinator of Podemos Aragón, Maru Díaz, announced that da paso atrás. Tras los malos results obtentionidos por su sua formación el 28-M, Maru Díaz, the ex-consejera del Gobierno de Aragón, did not recognize the putada act and dejará la secretary general del partido en la comunidad después de las electiones generales del 23 de julio . “Now, more than ever, the height of vision, generosity and humility are crucial to preserve the government of the coalition”, she warned in a large statement released in social networks.

Mónica García, sobre el acuerdo con Sumar: “Hablar de los numbers is the last part of the house, it’s the tejado”. Mónica García, leader of More Madrid, showed this optimistic young man on a broad deal for the platform Sumar, leader by Vice President Yolanda Díaz. “Va a haber acuerdo”, she said in an interview in RTVE. “Soy optimist, somos muchos que estamos tejiendo con cuidado, las negociaciones van bien. Our important thing is estamos jugando cosas. Nosotros vamos a estar siempre ensanchando esa via progresista”. The leader of Más Madrid has not queried to pronounce if Irene Montero and Ione Belarra will be included in the lists of Sumar. “Ahí no me meto. Nosotros queremos que el acuerdo salga bene. Hemos sido discretios During all conversations. We all want to make sure that these lists respond to the one who passed the 28-M. Hablar de los numbers is the last part of the house, es el tejado. Se trata de ser generosos”.

By James Brown

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