In Spain, 40° in summer are short. The first wave of heat of the weather debuted on Mondays with two red warnings, the mayor of a three-star staircase, in Jaén and Córdoba, a maximum of cases 45th in Loja (Granada) y of 44° inches number of points of the tercio su, as in Montoro (Córdoba), in the capital Cordobesa and in Granada. He continued on Tuesday with four red warnings in Granada of 44th, Zaragoza and Teruel of 43rd and Albacete of 42nd. Aunque al final no se alcanzaron los 44°, los termómetros se quedaron un degree por debajo en Granada, Albacete y areas of the interior of the Comunidad Valenciana y de Aragón, y se batierón record de julio in Albacete and Daroca (Zaragoza). La ola dirá adios este miércoles con Four new red notices in Murcia and Almería by 44°, in Málaga by 42° There Gran Canaria at 40°. “Quizá se vuelvan a alcanzar los 45° en algunos puntos del sureste”, advises Rubén del Campo, spokesman of the Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (Aemet). In jueves, the rojo by 40° is maintained in Gran Canaria, the second largest island of an archipelago that experiences a warm episode from martes without llegar a overcoming the umbrellas necessary to hablar de una ola.
During this weekend, the nights are being muy muy cálidas. “Destacan los 27° de mínima la madrugada del martes en points de Granada, Jaén, Almería, Sevilla y Las Palmas”, subraya el portavoz de Aemet. The pasada madrugada también has sido dura. With the data recorded until six months in the morning, more than a hundred stations of the official red had not habían bajado de los 25°, what is called noche torrida, “although the minimum is usually registered in the later hours”, clears the meteorologist, who wakes up the 31° that has this hour in the medianías of Gran Canaria ―is in a new category of ultra-cold nights that many experts call hellish nights―, or the 28°/29° in areas of Mallorca or in some town in the interior of the Comunidad Valenciana, such as Alcoy (Alicante).
These miércoles, even though the temperatures fall in good parts of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, will continue to suffer in southern Andalusia, the mountains and the Canary Islands: in some of these areas the danger due to high temperatures is extreme and we activate red warnings.
— AEMET (@AEMET_Esp) July 12, 2023
Off the coast of the day if you expect “a general bajada de las temperatures” thanks to the most fresh demand from the north and west, except in the extreme southern peninsula and in the south of Andalusia, whence “los vientosvenires del interior llegarán muy cálidos y recalentados” and dispararán de nuevo los termómetros. “If you could go to 44° or 45° east of Almería and in the interior of Murcia and not go further than 42° in the province of Málaga,” advises Del Campo.
Además, “the intense heat will follow in the tercios, east and south of the Peninsula and also in the Balearics, with maximums superior to 36°/40°” depending on the area, while in the rest of the peninsular territory the temperatures will be ” more typical of the era”. In Canarias, in the medians they could surpass the 37th, 38th and even 40th in points of Gran Canaria. Con estas forecastes en la mano, además del aviso rojo en Murcia, Almería, Málaga y Gran Canaria, zonas de Andalucía, Murcia, Canarias, Baleares, Castilla-La Mancha y Comunidad Valenciana hold warning naranja, the second level of alertmientras que es amarillo, el mínimo, in Aragón y Cataluña, así como in Ceuta y Melilla.
Acabada la ola, carrusel in temperatures
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Once upon a time the wave of heat, the next few days will have “certos vaivenes”, which can be summed up in the fact that the jueves will drop these temperatures in the hills of the Peninsula and the Baleares, but avoirn from the west; el viernesunderan, sobre todo en la mitad norte; el sábado bajarán in casi todo el país, salvo in el extremo orientale, dondeunderan; while on domingo the opposite will occur. Thus, “Aunque posiblemente no se superen los umbrales de ola dure la secunda mitad de la semana, continuará el calor intense en buena parte del país, sobre todo en el este y sur de la Peninsula”. In the Canary Islands, temperatures tend to normalize from freezing by the end of the week.
In more detail, the skies will be lightly cloudy in June, except in the Cantabrian region, where there will be some stormy weather and, late in the day, some snowstorm on the islands in the Pirineos and the Ibérico system. The lower temperatures will be particularly evident in the Comunidad Valenciana, Murcia and Andalucía Oriental, but will not be affected in the western part. In degrees, it will exceed 35° in a good part of the center and the south of the Peninsula and 40° in the Guadalquivir valley, with hot nights a day in coastal zones of the Mediterranean and very popular cities like Barcelona, Valencia, Alicante or Málaga, as well as inland Andalusia. It will be a very warm day in Canarias, with more than 37° in widened zones and 40°/42° in the interior of Gran Canaria, all of which adhered to its corresponding hot nights. On the warning map, it will continue the red notice in Gran Canariakeep in mind that Andalusia will be naranjaas in the rest of the islands of the archipelago, and yellow in Castilla-La Mancha.
El viernes “continuará el tiempo estable, salvo en el oeste de Galicia, where podría haber alguna débil lluvia”. No dry storm is discarded in the northern mitad, which releases little precipitation but intense rachas deviento. “The coming will come to soplar of components on, which will cause the temperatures to disparen in el norte, especially in el País Vasco y en Navarra, where podrían ser 10° superiors in las del jueves, with 36° in el interior vasco y 38 ° in el sur navarro”, alert el experto.
Estos son los records batidos en julio. No destacan en cantidad, ma sí “calidad”:
-Tmax julio: Albacete – BA (42.9ºC), record from 1978
-Tmin alta absoluta: Cuenca (24.7ºC), 2012 record
-Tmin alta absoluta: Zaragoza – Ap (24.8ºC), record of 2022(
—EnMet (@EnMet3) July 12, 2023
It is also subjected to temperatures, though not so much, in the rest of the Peninsula, except in the Andalusian Mediterranean, from where they will suffer from the breezes. It will be more than 36° in the generalized form in the mild peninsular, from 35° in Mallorca and up to 40° in the Guadalquivir, again with very low temperatures, “although you will not have so many hot nights as in the previous day”. In the Canary Islands, it will still be a very hot day, with more than 35° in expanded zones and more than 40° on the south of Gran Canaria, but the thermal descent will begin which will cause the values at the end of the week to be normal. El viernes, desaparecerán los avisos rojos y el naranja will influence you alone in the Canariesmientras que estarán en amarillo Andalucía, Aragón, Baleares, Castilla-La Mancha, Cataluña, Comunidad de Madrid, Navarra, País Vasco, La Rioja y Comunidad Valenciana.
Saturday and Sunday will be two busy days. On the first day of the end of the week “the predominance of the next Atlantic winds will trace a cooler air mass and cause a thermal drop in the main part of the Peninsula, which will be significant in parts of the Cantabrian”. But they’re going to want to burn in the Mediterranean, because the temperatures rise. They will exceed the 36° in the Ebro valley, interior of the Mediterranean communities, east of Castilla-La Mancha, Mallorca, Guadalquivir valley and southern Andalusia. To the west, Badajoz is quedará at 33°, Salamanca at 28° and León at 26°.
El segundo día, losvientos, “aunque flojos, they will tend to soplar del este, for the one who will have a sudden generalization”, except in the Mediterranean and Balearic regions, whence they bajarán. Expect more than 35° in el Ebro and in good parts of central and southern de la Península and 38°/40° in el Guadalquivir and parts of eastern Andalusia. Ambos días solo lloverá, y débilmente, en Galicia y las Comunidades Cantábricas. “Mondays and Tuesdays will continue the estable time in most of Spain and the thermal ascent”, concluded el portavoz.
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