The justicia suiza sentenced Á to penas de multa. DA, one of the police officers of Infanta Cristina, to come up with various traffic infractions in Geneva when the red traffic lights jumped when the lights go down, etc., a papazi who pretended to take a photograph of King Felipe VI’s hermana on February 11 of the year passed, shortly after fuera official su ruptura matrimonial with Iñaki Urdangarin tras conocerse la relación del exduce de Palma con otra mujer.
The taxman Olivier Jornot, responsible for the investigation, considered it probable that during the accident the agent caused the injuries raised in the face and with the photograph to try to prevent this from continuing the persecution of the vehicle in which Cristina de Borbón drove away rumbo at the aeropuerto de la ciudad helvetica. The suiza justice also convicted the reporter for having violated the traffic rules while waiting for the sequel to which he sumtió al check en el que viajaba la infanta Cristina aquel día, a viernes, a una hora de la tarde en el que “el tráfico empezaba to ser density ”.
In both cases, the órdenes de sanction against both, dictadas el pasado 20 de junio ya the one who kept EL PAÍS lit, considering that the two condensed, who were cruzaron denunciations between the hechos, showed “un lamentable desprecio” by the ley suiza al poner en riesgo a otras personas, incluida a la infant ya su hija Irene, que jaban en el vehículo que conducía el agent español. The resolution recalls that the escolta ―que, según detallan fuentes policiales, en Suiza does not hold the consideration of the agent of the authority, until the “accompañante protector”― no podía “in el desempeño de sus funciones” saltarse las normas de tráfico. The decision is not firm to be taken into consideration, at least, by the agent, according to police sources.
The decision of the suiza justice reconstructs the incident from when the paparazzi moved to Geneva the morning of that day and if they déplazó hasta el domicile de la hermana del Rey en la plaza Edouard Claparède de la localidad suiza, where he has resided since 2013, one of the las consequences of the imputation of the entonces duques of Palma in el Noos case. After 16:10, the photojournalist vio cómo abandonaban la vivienda la infanta Cristina accompanied by su hija di lei e de dos escoltas de la Policía Nacional aboard a vehicle with a Spanish registration number bound for the airport. Following the details of the court documents, the police now sentence “se dio cuenta de que ECC les seguía [en otro coche], without maintaining a distance of safety”, because “intentó dejarle atrás”. Para ello “saltó los semáforos en rojo para despistar” al correspondent, entre ellos los situados en los cruces de las calles De-Candolle y Conseil-Géneral, and de las calles Lyon y Voltaire. The resolution held that the periodista hizo lo mismo para no perderles and, including, ignored señales de stop and invaded “los carriles bici sin tener en cuenta a losciclistas”.
The police sources point out that the security protocol on the protection of the personality obliges the police to try to distance themselves from a suspected control, even if all this continues the persecution by skipping traffic regulations. “No sabes si es un periodicista, un terrorist u otra amenaza”, explain estas fuentes. In this case, before the impossibility of dejar atrás al paparazi, the agents of the escolta de la infanta optaron después minutes to parar el vehicle a lado de carretera en lugar “con escasa visibility” y que el conductor will go down the same way to pose delante dell’automovil perseguidor and impedir que will continue the march. Mientras, the second agent, a sub-inspector of the Policía Nacional, got behind the wheel to continue to the Geneva airport with Infanta Cristina and her wife on board.
At this point, the autos de la justicia helvética recognizes the discrepancies between the version of the two protagonists of the success. The agent stated that the reporter “había intending to atropellarle con su coche di lui, acelerando hacia él varias veces hasta que puso las manos en el capó y saltó para esquivarle”. The agent ensured that the papazi gritó: “Quítate de en medio, que no voy a parar”. Without embargo, the photographer confirmed that he “rode to the police for the right” with his car and that was the one who asked her: “No vas a poder irte”. The fallo del fiscal suizo concludes that “there is no reason to corroborate” the declaration of the listener.
What is considered to be proven is that the agent stood on the driver’s side of the vehicle and held on to the fan with his right hand while standing with the izquierda prizia to the driver. According to the police the hizo to the rope, however at the resolution he considered that the hizo “for the lower part of the dear and the cuello” of the reporter, to which caused two arañazos de carácter leve de los that the agent admitted “subsequently” that pudo haber sido el causante.
Handed over to the agent, the reporter continued the persecution until the Geneva airport, where he dejó badly parked the car with the motor to stop, finally, lograr hacer con su telefono móvil fotos de la infante Cristina rushing to the terminal. The agent llegó posteriorly to the lugar aboard a taxi. The rules of sanctions dictated by the fiscal point out that both the police and the papacy “have admitted the hechos”.
Therefore, the judicial justice considered both perpetrators of an infraction of article 90.2 of the law of traffic suiza, which typifies as a crime the conduct which creates “a serious crime for the safety of the demás” and punishes it with penalties that desde a fine a tres años de imprisonment. Furthermore, the police found him guilty of a crime of agresión por las lesiones leves causadas al paparazi. Therefore, the Helvetic justice sentences the listener of the Infanta Cristina to a fine of 2,959 francs (3,025 euros), whose payment has been suspended under the condition that he does not want to be sentenced in the place of three years, and al “immediate” subscription of another 1,100 Swiss francs (1,128 euros). Furthermore, he must pay the costs of the procedure, which amount to 2,241 Swiss francs (2,298 euros). For his part, the journalist also suspends the payment of the fine for traffic infractions, although he will have to pay 1,002 francs (1,027 euros) for various judicial penalties of the judicial proceeding.
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