“It’s dramatic, you can tell it clearly”

act. at 12:30


The selection of Alemana encajó a painful derrota contra Colombia that hizo saltar las alarmas en el país germanico

Goretzka became clear after the partido and did not lose his tongue when analyzing the selection situation

The German selection sigue sin levantar cabeza. El combinato nacional germanico encajó una painful derrota against Colombia This Tuesday I hizo skip all the alarms in the country.

The joint of Hansi flick continue standing lejos de ser el fearful team that once was in Europe. Las dudas siguen crescendo con el paso de los partidos… y la Eurocopa de 2024 empieza asomar en el horizonte.

The combined German came this Tuesday against clamor against Colombia (0-2) in un partido amistoso que dejó nuevas alarm signals in the German team. El nuevo ridiculous hizo que más de uno will raise his voice by his companionsparticularly Leon Goretzka.

Bayern Munich midfielder lamented the new derrot of the German selection: “No, if you worry, that’s enough. It’s dramatic, you can tell it clearly. it is hard to explain, what we offer is very little“, recognition.

Goretzka was more than that y compared the situation of the national combination with the equipment: “It’s the final moment we live in Bayern. Every little situation runs en nuestra contra, like a penalti. Todo goes against nosotros right now. Yo tampoco estoy satisfecho con mi trabajo,” admits the player.

By James Brown

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