Israel launches on primer asesinato selectivo aéreo in West Bank since 2005 | International

The Israeli ejército killed these miércoles a tres militianos palestinos with a bombardeo from a drone in the city of Yenín, in the first asesinato selectivo aéreo that efectúa in the West Bank since the end of the Second Intifada, in 2005. The operation, which various ministers came up with en el Gobierno by Benjamin Netanyahu, supposes a qualitative and symbolic leap in the escalation of violence that the region is experiencing. The desencadenante sied an attack by the armed arm of Hamás at the sight in Eli’s judío assembly in the West Bank, in which they killed four civilians israelíes.

The Israeli expert announced in a communication that the object will be a “terrorist cell traveling in a suspicious vehicle”. He los accusa de haber efectuado a attack with disparos near the localidad frontiza de Jalame y de otros recents contra asentamientos judíos en el occupied territory de Cisjordania. The Islamic Yihad released his photos and identified a dos de ellos as integrated de su brazo armado, las Brigadas Al Quds. The third belonged to the Brigadas de los Mártires de Al Aqsa. Images of the vehículo envuelto en llamas circulate in the social redes.

“Tomares un enfoque offensive y proactivo contre el terrorism”, Tuiteado el minister de Defensa, Yoav Gallant. “We will use all the means to our budget and we will pay the price to all terrorists,” he added.

The bombing marks the inch of a week of tension that fills the days with a military redada in Yenín che dejó seis muertos. Likewise, this day the Israeli army recovered in the middle that it had not deployed in the West Bank since 2005: a helicopter was fired upon to facilitate the evacuation of its tropas, without directing the disappearance directly against the militants.

The next day, just as happened in January, between an attempt with you are dead near Jerusalem, two Palestinians entered a petrol station at the entrance to an asentamiento, opened fire and killed four Israelis. El brazo armado de Hamás, las Brigadas de Ezedín Al Qasam, claiming authority, in revenge for the incursion in Yenín, y volvieron los llamamientos de ministris y líderes colonos israelíes ―como el titular de Seguridad Nacional, el ultraderechista Itamar Ben Gvir ― back to the asesinatos selectivos in the West Bank. Both are the most lethal attackers against Israel this year.

The predictable drive of violence continued in this country with the death of a Palestinian a manos de la policía and the quema por colonos Israelis ultranacionalistas de decenas de casas y vehículos. The Israeli prime minister, Benjamín Netanyahu, announced the “immediate” start of the construction plans for 1,000 houses in Eli, l’assentement judío entre las ciudades de Ramala and Nablus a cuyos pies tuvo lugar el attack. “Our response to terrorism is atacarlo con fuerza y ​​​​​​construir nuestro país,” Netanyahu said.

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El pasado enero, a raíz of the attempted citado, decades of radical colonos mataron a un palestino y quemaron decenas de sus casas y vehículos en la localidad palestina de Huwara. The images of the colonos parando para rezar en medio de lo que el propio el jefe del Commando Central del ejército israelí, Yuval Fuchs, calificó de pogromo, impactaron a parte de la POPOLATION israelí. Los grupos más izquierdistas de las demonstrations against the judicial reform began to corear a los policías “¿Dónde estabais en Huwara?” cuando se acercaban a desalojarlos.

A new Huwara

Este miércoles, Huwara ha sido Turmusayya, una localidad cisjordana de la que none de los dos autores del atentado en Eli, que fueron abatidos, y en la que la mayoría de sus 11,000 habitantes holds double nacionalidad palestina-estadounidense. Tayeb Awad had it vividly from the first hand, 25 years ago and who was in his home, together with his wife and his two hijos (from two months and two years) when I was around ten Israeli decades in full light of the day. “Vi cómo echaban gasolina y quemaban los dos coches que tenemos en la entrada,” he says, visibly agitated. “Me quedé inside hasta que llegaron los jóvenes y me atreví a salir. Gracias a Dios, no nos ha pasado nada ”, añade lui.

Restos of a fire caused in the Palestinian town of Turmusayya, surrounded by the Israeli asentamiento of Eli, this miércoles.

The young men you mention are tens of Palestinians who went up the streets. No tuvieron enfrentamientos with los colonos, but yes with the Israeli police who habían entrado a la localidad. One of the officers was born from a shot at a 27-year-old young man. The Israeli police say in a communication that they entered to protect the attackers and were attacked by a group of Palestinians on foot and with firearms. The police identified that someone had lost fire against him and, at the “feel that his life was seriously perilous, hit by a precise shot against the sospechoso de haber disparato alborotador”. Hay además 12 heridos.

The inhabitants of Turmusayya ―who also was attacked by colonos black, even in the middle of Huwara― are surprised that the colonos enter, ya that normally these operations of vengeance (known as the “price”) take place at night. “Therefore, let’s keep the truth open. For the night we take more precautions, but we don’t take any precautions like this in full light on the day”, see Numan Shalabi, the dueño de una vivienda with signals of disparos and various winds wheeled by stones. Enfrente, there are three fully calcined coches. “Trataron de forzar la puerta, ma è fuerte y resistió. It had 13 people inside, women and children, who were immediately each time a foot, until the third, therefore the disparos Iban giving the fuera: primero, a la altura del primero y luego, del segundo”. They didn’t assume that the perilous happened to have ended that several neighbors tried to decipher it. Entonces, salieron.

A man looked inside a casa quemada por israelíes in Turmusayya, in the West Bank, este miércoles.
A man looked inside a casa quemada por israelíes in Turmusayya, in the West Bank, este miércoles. AHMAD GHARABLI (AFP)

A parecid aspect presented the house to the one that Samira (fictitious number) had changed four years ago from the United States, with broken glasses, furniture at the entrance pulled by the shoes and the quemated wheels. She resorts to humor (“ya no tengo coche, ahora mi hermana tendrá que hacerme de chófer”, she says) to argue with what she acaba de vivir. She relates that she was on the porch of the house with two of her three hijos of hers when she goes to look for the colonos, cubiertos with pasamontañas. She went inside and looked for her teenage boys in the cuarto de baño. “El mayor me decía: ‘Abre, mamá, quiero darte un abrazo porque a lo mejor vamos a morir y no quiero die sin darte un abrazo’. It was horrible oírlo porque lui no me atrevía a abrir ”. Samira has returned to the land of her familiar roots four years ago, so that her hijos “connect with culture and learn Arabs”. “Después de lo de hoy, has decided que me vuelvo con mi hermana a Chicago. Yes, our echan. No quiero criar así aquí a mis hijos. Me da miedo por ellos”.

Palestine Authority Prime Minister Mohamed Shtayeh moved to last night. He condemned “the barbarian attacks by settlers against peaceful citizens” and ensured that it reflects “the mentality of quemar y matar que govern en Israel”. The Israeli exercise reported that the security forces entered the pueblo “to put out the fires, avoid the rocks and acknowledge any damage” and condemn the “serious incidents of violence and destruction of property”, which prevent them from focusing “in the its main mission: to protect the security of the citizens of the State of Israel and to prevent terrorism”.

Entierro de Nahman Mordof, a 17-year-old Israeli victim of an attack, lies miércoles in the rise of Shilo, in the West Bank.
Entierro de Nahman Mordof, a 17-year-old Israeli victim of an attack, lies miércoles in the rise of Shilo, in the West Bank.

Turmusayya can be accessed from the Cisjordania road 60, which uses both Israelis (generally settlers in the area) and Palestinians and that’s where you want to go to attack the vispera, in a tanker and a restaurant and a few kilometers further north. The fire was watched from Tuesday night by Israeli soldiers and the locals also mounted an improvised barricade with basura containers in one of the carts. The settlers, following the testimonies and the images in social networks, came from a search they seek.

The number of attacks in the West Bank in Palestine and its properties have continued to rise since 2016. In 2022 there were 838 cases, double the previous year and triple the cases in 2020, according to the Israeli exercise.

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