Iniesta Argentine Juniors | Gabi Milito called Iniesta to play in Argentina

06/03/2023 at 12:14


Gabriel Milito, a friend and former teammate at Barça, got in touch with him to organize a new adventure in Argentina

The Spanish soccer player Andrés Iniesta, 39 years old, announced that he marched from Vissel Kobe of the Liga Nipona “de muto acuerdo”

Tras su paso por Japón con el Vissel Kobe, Andres Iniesta you are very clear that you want to follow playing football. HI, Gabriel Militofriend and former teammate in Barça, contactó with él to intend to agree to start a new venture in Argentina of the hand of Argentinos Juniors in La Paternal.

El futbolista español Andrés Iniesta, aged 39, announced that the Vissel Kobe was announced by the nipona league “di muto acuerdo”and pointed out that he will continue his professional career in another destiny, ya that still has a lot of ganas of “following playing” and of “following homework”.

For the old relationship between Milito and Iniesta, teammates of Barça, empezaron a correr los rumors, totally improbable in principlebut what from the social networks of the Argentine club has been feeding with a certain tone of broma: “We hope you”, posteron in a primer tuit. We continued: “La 5, la 8, la 10, la que vos quieras. Nos vemos en unos días por acá”.

“We have a friend in common who lives with Japan…Hablé con él para inquire what are Iniesta’s intentions“, confessed Milito in rueda de prensa.

On the other hand, Cristian Malaspina, president of Argentinos Juniors, was asked about these rumors, and for many surprises, confirmed: “Gabriel Milito habló con Iniesta para ver si quiere come to the club. His friends “. Sin embargo, el directente argentino aclaró:”Eso è lo que pasó y no hay nada concrete“.

The footballer, who completed 39 years past May 11, joined Vissel Kobe in July 2018, and departed in 2019 and 2021 of Japan’s most one-time league player, though since this year she has suffered from various injuries which have prevented her from maintaining regularity.

By James Brown

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