Prince Haakon Magnus, heir to the throne of Noruega, turned 50 in a country where 78% of the population apoya the monarchy, according to a poll in February 2022 for the NRK channel of public television. In a way, he plays with ventaja about other aspirants to a crown, and even other sober Europeans of his generation. The Norwegian monarchy is the only one in the world elegida por los ciudadanos in a referendum held in 1905. On the other hand, Haakon —así es como lo llaman, sin su segundo nom— ha abrazado su papel en lugar de dejarse llevar por la ruta para which was predestined. He proposed to contribute to the fact that all the noruegos have a “sentido de pertenencia” in his nation, and he is pursuing the type of reindeer that he wanted to find out when his father, King Harald, was 86 years old.
Compromised with the conservation of the medium environment, especially the oceans, and the passionate sportsman of surfing and el esquí, Haakon’s principle recognized that de pequeño prefería ser uno más del grupo. When he assumed that he was part of the royal family and wondered about it, he didn’t find it amusing. He is serious “y mi hermana, [Marta Luisa] era mucho better en questo”, he admitted in a long report explaining his 50th anniversary published for the rotary Often. In a given moment, the author, Norwegian periodical Robert Veiåker Johansen, asked her if anyone had asked to avoid the fate of the converter se en rey and she replied that yes. She passed to her as a teenager and says: “I thought: ‘¿Debo dejar que esto me pase o elegirlo yo mismo?’ Llegué concludes that lo mejor sería elegirlo”.

To Caroline Vagle, specialist reporter of the Norwegian Royal House of the magazine Se og Hør, the reason why the Haakon principle is a person “compromised, concerned with the conservation of the medium environment and results in ensuring the inclusion of all social groups”. However, she has not had recent soundings about his figure, “the main criticism that he has received returns to the end of the new years, when he knew that today it is his wife and royal princess, Mette-Marit”, he says, in telephone conversation. I hear a lot about the story of a young man who was a single mother (on her first hijo, Marius, he was 26 years old) and with a past that she didn’t recognize that he had a turbulent side, she could join his queen consort. Without embargo, “in the place of debilitating the monarchy, both have demonstrated that todos estaban equivocados; fortunately if I impuso el amor”. The herederos princes have two sons in common, Ingrid Alejandra (19) and Sverre Magnus (17), and in 2022 another son was raised in the cabo also by NRK among the youngsters from 16 to 20 years showed that only 8% preferred a Republic.
Los noruegos kings remontant in the year 872, but between 1387 and 1905 the country was united to Sweden or Denmark by means of different aliances. The current monarchy of the Kingdom of Norway as a sovereign and independent country fell when, once the union with Sweden was dissolved, the Norwegian Government offered it the throne to Prince Carlos de Dinamarca. He was born of the Danish kings and was married to Princess Maud, hija a su vez de los kings Eduardo VII and Alejandra del Reino Unido. Carlos received the proposal “on October 13 and 14 of 1905 he called a referendum settled with 78.8% of the population in favor of the reestablishment of his own monarchy”, explained Ole Jørgen, historian and noruego commentator on the monarchy for the commercial television channel TV2. In a telephone conversation, he mentions that the Norwegian Parliament “I’ve signed up for the election of the future king and Carlos de Dinamarca if he has the name of Haakon VII”. He was the current crown prince’s bisabuelo. To the ventaja de ser una monarchy elegida por la ciudadanía, este experto añade el hecho de que los tres reyes que han subjugated to the throne since 1905 (Haakon VII, Olav V y Harald) “han sido gente de su era, además de un símbolo di National unity”.
Cuando el rey Harald, sucedió his father, Olav V, admitted to being “terrorizado”. Why? “Pues porque Olav fue un rey legendario, el primero en ser criado y educado en Noruega desde la Edad Media, y con gran autoridad moral. Tanta, que lui se le llamaba ´el Rey del pueblo ”, sigue relando el historiador. Olav Viba en tranvía con sus esquís de lui, y se ha echo fame la respuesta que lui dio in 1973 cuando le preguntaron cómo lui se atrevía a salir sin sus guardaespaldas di lui. “I hold 4 milliones de guardaespaldas”, he assured him, referring to his compatriots at this moment. In 2005, a national television poll elected him as El noruego del siglo, “and he was seen as el abuelo el país, as it now happens with his hijo, el rey Harald”.
Before centrarse en sus labores as heredero prince, Haakon graduated in 1999 in Political Sciences at the University of California, and subsequently in Social Sciences at the University of Oslo. In 2002 he studied Economía y Ciencias Políticas in London. “She knows that he cannot copy his father, even though both share the same values, and his wife has brought her trust and helped her to be more close,” indicates Caroline Vagle. “Haakon is also a hombre de su tiempo than he is, and in Escandinavia las monarchies tend to give it less importance to the specto militar. Los soberanos se ponen el uniform para la opening of the Parliament and the Discurso de la Corona, y no hay nobleza, que fue abolida en 1821″, recuerda el historiador. The one who does not make the noruegos monarchs abdicate. King Harald, with health problems in recent years, has signaled that the lema of him is his ancestor, Haakon VII: “El rey está sano o muerto”. Eso sí, si lui pierde facultades, lui espera que se lo digan para ceder major parte de su labor de lui a su hijo di lui.

In this environment inclined towards the monarchy, there was at least a sound controversy and a very delicate moment that undermined the popularity of the Casa Real. The primera refers to the renovation of five living persons included in the finca where the palace of Skaugum is located, residence of príncipe Haakon and his family. The complex was a gift from the body, and the pareja can be purchased from other houses. The rent was for them, when they were obliged to request permission from the municipality to carry out their work and that everything was legal. In 2016, the Danish press destapó la situation, y el heredero cleared itself through a communication published on the Casa Real web page. With los medios de su país indicating that he could have been imbolsado more than a million noruegas crowns in a year, él dijo: “No tenía derecho to do it y es mi culpa”.
El episode espinoso refers to the relationship of her hermana mayor, Marta Luisa, with her actual novio, el estadounidense Durek Verret. Her 51-year-old princess and physiotherapist and her ex-wife, writer Ari Behn, committed suicide in 2019 after suffering from depression. Durek Verret presented himself as a chamán and alternative therapist and came to decide that he was cured of the covid-19 thanks to a medallion that he lifts puesto. The revuelo caused by him, and the fact that the princess used her royal title to publicize her own business, resulted in a reunion with her father and her husband in which it was decided that she did not perform official labor. Since November 2022 the situation has calmed down and the princesa, who follows being a member of the real family, is no longer part of the Casa Real. “Su hermano, el príncipe Haakon, holds a relación muy cercana con ella y se preocupa por su bienestar di lei. He has understood that you are happy to have met your new love, and I believe that the solution adopted is convenient for everyone. It seems closer, including as a family,” the reporter points out. “En Noruega no tenemos, como el Reino Unido, un príncipe Enrique. When she is criticised, the real Norwegian family seeks out the place to go to the ofensiva ”, concluded Ole Jørgen.