Garnacho launches operation “shield” with Argentina

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Garnacho, of Spanish father and Argentine mother, no longer has to ask questions about the name of the country that he wants to represent

El delantero no se esconde, quiere jugar con la Selección Argentina

Alexander Garnacho keeps it clear. No se seconde, no deja lugar a dudas subre el number del país al que quiere representar. “No me hace falta jugar tres partidos, si no debuto en esta gira no importa: yo ya se que quiero estar con Argentina”. Así de Tajante showed the Manchester United soccer player in the anticipation of a possible debut that finally occurs: before Australia, he sumó sur premier encuentro como internacional albiceleste.

Apenas participated in 16 minutes, but fueron muy simbólicos. Born in Madrid of Spanish father and Argentinian mother, he has had a wondering rodeo to the 18-year-old soccer player ever since. On elección of him between España or Argentina has become a recurring theme close to his figure and l’incógnita ya se empieza a despejar con claridad.

With the change of regulations that came to FIFA in 2020, Garnacho not only deserves to publicly show his earnings to play for one country or another or debut for some of the two. Now, the range of possibilities is much wider than adding an international partido como with Argentina, which you can embark el shieldaje de su joven promesa cuando la gira de amistosos que will disputará Argentina ends.

In 2020, FIFA allowed players who have represented one country to do so for another national team as long as they meet certain requirements. Basically, the legislation indicates that a lo largo de su carrera di lui, un jugador puede to form parte dos selecciones Distinas from las nacionalidades que lui posea.

The case of Garnacho is enmarca en el referente a los menores de 21 años. Y, according to the regulations, when Garnacho made his debut for Argentina before Australia, today he could represent Spain if he changes his mind. Without the embargo, the law is clear on another aspect: in the case of debuting with one selection, you won’t be able to play with anything else in a three-year period.

Así que, tras debutar con Argentina, España, until 2026, no podría contar con Garnacho, que además podría quedar blindado definitively para jugar para perempre con el team albiceleste se participa en tres partidos organizados por la FIFA entidades continentales. In this way, the tour to Asia, which includes another encuentro before Indonesia, will serve to start the definitive shield of Garnacho with Argentina.

Este podría cerrarse in the South American preliminaries facing Argentina in September of clasificación para el Mundial de Estados Unidos, Canada and Mexico of 2026. And, if you also enjoy minutes in front of Indonesia, against Ecuador in the Estadio Monumental inside three months, Spain could definitely lose the chance to call up a jugador sonríe con la camiseta albiceleste.

Garnacho made his debut at the end of a quartet for the Australia chocque ante final replace Nicolás González. He was located as extreme izquierdo in the seconds of pissing the grass, he touched his first ball to connect with Lionel Messi. Después, with el 28 a la espalda, se monró muy participativo y llegó a tener una ocasión which did not culminate with success because he badly adjusted the pelota in the last instant.

The final pitido caused the circle to freeze for Garnacho, who ended up with the same shock as when he started it: the new connection with Messiaunque esta vez sin la pelota porque el astro argentino the god a good hug in the center of the field. And so, with only 16 minutes full of emotions, Garnacho camenzó on shieldaje with Argentina.

At the moment, España may only intend to summon them in 2026. And, within three months, it is possible that jamás can do it. El tiempo runs in favor of the combined albiceleste.

By James Brown

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