Follow live the 45th anniversary celebration of CincoDías, el gran forum sobre los principal economic retos | 45th anniversary

CincoDías, senior diary of Spanish economic press, celebrated on 45 years of history with a large forum that will take place on the next 12, 13 and 14 days in Madrid. Employers and executives of large Spanish companies, government officials, social agents and top representatives of large economic institutions will approach the great dilemmas that arise in the current economy, as well as future challenges at global level. The energy transition, financial stability, the irruption of artificial intelligence or the papel del diálogo social, entre otros asuntos, centrarán las mesas redondas, ponencias y conversaciones de estas jornadas.

King Felipe VI, the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez; the vicepresidentas Nadia Calviño, Teresa Ribera and Yolanda Díaz, and other members of the Government attended the meeting, as well as the governor of the Banco de España, Pablo Hernández de Cos, and the president of the European Banking Authority (EBA), José Manuel Campa, among others. El foro, organized in the Teatro Real de Madrid, will also include an exhibition of periodicals that will help narrate the economic transformation of Spain since the Transición, from which primer ejemplar que llegó a los quioscos el 3 de Marzo de 1978, unos meses antes di cui si approximates the Constitution.

An event that can be seen live on the CincoDías web from June 12 to 18 delayed.

By James Brown

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