Exteriores investigates a conspiracy to grant visas to the Spanish Consulate in Tangier | Spain

Varias mujeres sentadas en un Banco en el Gran Zoco de Tánger (Marruecos) el pasado 6 de mayo.
Varias mujeres sentadas en un Banco en el Gran Zoco de Tánger (Marruecos) el pasado 6 de mayo.Gabriel Luengas (Europe Press)

El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores is investigating an alleged corruption conspiracy in the concession of Schengen visas within the Consulado General de España en Marruecos, según confirmed that this Tuesday a spokesman of the diplomatic department. The misma source clarified that los hechos relacionados with “personas ajenas al Consulado General” in Tangier are being investigated by the Marruecos police. The denunciation of a Moroccan citizen, who demanded 15,000 euros in exchange for facilitating his entry into Spain and the rest of the European free-circulation space without borders, resulted in an official investigation into which El Español informed en primer lugar.

Two empleados españoles del Consulado General de Tánger find themselves allegedly implicated in the granting of irregular visas, según precise el Moroccan information portal Yabibladi. Once they are being investigated, as intermediaries in the plot, the owner of the travel agency is responsible for directing fraudulent permit solicitors to sign false employment contracts in Spain, and a representative of the Tanger Municipal Council, which also noted with nacionalidad española y tenía contactos en the consular representation. In principle, visas can be offered to those who want to settle permanently in Spain for up to 15,000 euros, except for solitary practice between Schengen permits for a maximum duration of 90 days.

One of the solicitors of the visados ​​​​​​froudulentos sintió engaged and complaints the hechos to the police, before taking it as a test capture audio of conversations maintained through WhatsApp, following adelantó El Español, which claims the plot has been operating for less than four years and has handed down a “considerable” number of visas.

A preguntas de EL PAÍS, sources of the Ministerio de Interior maroquí declared that they do not take constancia oficial de la investigación sobre el Consulate of Tangier. However, it is the Fiscalía that directs the implementations of the judicial police, which carries the direct protection of the security department, without necessarily informing of its implementations. El PAÍS también was referred to the Embajada de España in Rabat to retrieve information on the alleged plot de visados ​​​​​​irregulares. The legation was entrusted to the Ministerio de Exteriores, which finally confirmed the ongoing position of the inquiry “desde que se tuvo conocimiento de esos supuestos hechos”.

As ya has informed este diario, the complaints of corruption in the granting of visas to the Spanish consulate in the Maghrebi country are a cyclical lacra. The consular representations in Rabat (2016 and 2018), Tetuán (2003), Tangier (1996 and 2010) and Casablanca (2007) have sido noticia por la aparición y detención de tramas de compra de visados ​​​​​legales. Since its impuso ese trámite in 1992, the irregularities have arisen periodically and in practically identical ways.

Local intermediaries infiltrate the Spanish consulates, passing in front of the huge volume of visas they process, and hacen con los servicios de empleados para sortear las barreras burocráticas. There will be arrests in Rabat in 2018 after a general inspection carried out in 2017.

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