“Eto’o had a personal problem with Onana…”

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After various months of the Mundial, a different version was born on the expulsion of the Inter goalkeeper from the Copa del Mundo

Todo se debe has a personal problem between the president of the Federación Camerunesa de Fútbol, ​​​​​​Samuel Eto’o and the jugador

The presence of the Selección de Camerún in the Mundial de Qatar 2022 I draw much attention from the beginning. Tras el primer partido contra Suiza, a supuesta discusión entre el entrenador Rigoberto Song There Andre Onana llevaron has the exclusion of the titular arquero of “Los Leones” of the team.

However, due to the expulsion of the Mundial’s Inter goalkeeper several months later, a different version emerged. Apparently, the decision is not due to the supuesto enfrentamiento, until a personal problem between the president of the Federación Camerunesa de Fútbol, ​​​​​​Samuel Eto’o, and the player. During a rueda de prensa to renunciar as third vice president of the Fecafoot, Henry Njalla Quan has created a distinct perspective of counts.

“Eto’o holds a problem of a professional character with André Onana. Onana and Rigobert Song have no problem. The convocation of Onana para la selección estuvo y está condicionada to the president of the federación“, confessed Henry Njalla Quan.

“The formally requested her for the future of our porter in the selection, y he replied that the carrera del chico is acabadaand that the card that envied his club, Inter, was for déshacerse of the boy, so how is it that someone can be so mean? Quería deshacerse de él a toda costa“, he added that he would be the third vice president of Fecafoot to understand that the former footballer tras el Mundial was made with the Onana case.

During the rueda de prensa, he denounced many other irregularities and attacks against Samuel Eto’o who, according to Henry Njalla Quan, prompted the renunciation of his position in the Federación Cameroonesa de fútbol.

“Las estrellas de la selección nacional están being asfixiadas by someone who él mismo was a star when he was a soccer playery quiere follow siéndolo como directivo. In all meetings it is there, in all meetings it is. Even the trainer sits asphyxiated by the omnipresence of Eto’o

• “Utile mis dietes para make donations to football players. Eto’o promises not to touch on suedo as president of FECAFOOTWhere does this promise lie? Hoy, the FECAFOOT holds a decades deuda of millions of francs miles. ¿De quien es la culpa?”

• “Ningún member of the general assembly of FECAFOOT proposed not to extend the president’s term from 4 to 7 years. The only issue discussed was the increase in the number of terms of the president from two to three 4-year terms, as is the case in the CAF and FIFA. ¡Eto’o has manipulated a whole country!

• “I was president of the marketing committee of the FECAFOOT, but I didn’t have access to any document relating to the distinct patronage. I don’t know what the contracts with One All Sports, Orange, MTN are worth…. He has requested these documents various times, the last one asking the president, but the employees of the Federation have told me that they are not going to give me…”

• “Eto’o dio 1 million de francos has a fucionario del fútbol para que me vigilara, y este señor empezó a menazar a mi familia. Remití el asunto al fiscal, que tomó medidas para guaranteeezar mi seguridad… El caballero me amenazó, diciendo que andaría desnudo antes de morir… el president Samuel Eto’o celebrated a meeting with the demás members of the executive committee in the hotel Starland, during which dijo que ya no confiaba en mí, porque hago demasiadas preguntas”

• “No me arrepiento de haber dimitido. Las cosas no iban como yo quería… In the southwestern region, doné material a clubs, jugadores y árbitros. Even from apoyo financiero to certain medias of communication, aunque hoy me insulten. He gastado unos 10 million francs”

• “In the executive committee of FECAFOOT there are competent people, such as professors, concejales and others. No puedo intender cómo pueden estar tan manipulatives. Si yo fuera ellos, me avergonzaría

By James Brown

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