Eto’o se encuentra en un scandalo en su país por promiser al president de un club el ascenso
The portal ‘Camfoot’ disclosed the conversations that exploited Cameroon as a bomb
Eto’o se ha metido en un otro lío that is going to cost her very expensive. If in el Mundial de Qatar, fue noticia por un lamentable imagen dandole un patada a un cámara, now he wants to stay in the center of Diana. If they have filtered a conversation, en las que dirt seriously compromised by his direct mediation with the referees to favor Victoria United in its promotion to the Primera División. Eto’o is the president of the Federación de Fútbol de Camerún desde hace dos años.
In an audio filtered by the Middle Cameroons ‘Camfoot‘, has aroused a scandal without proceeding in the African country. The conversation to listen to the good relationship between Eto’o, president of the Federacion y Gwain, and the president of Victoria United. It’s a feat of ensuring you can do something for your team to influence referees. “There are things we can do, but we have a very discreet hand“, begins by telling her Eto’o a Gwain. “Ni siquiera he tenido tiempo de llegar a casa todavía. Estoy fuera, hermano. He didn’t take the time to go home and work with the president – referring to the president of the Cameroon Arbitration Association – because You cannot attack the abitros directly and tell them to take care of themselves. But he can work with the president.”
El tema sigue y se va destapando más irregularidades del exjugador Cameroonés, “calm down, we give you the three points and suspend us from the referee. But déjame al menos volver a Cameroon. Llegó el 3 for the night. So we come to the workshop on the day 4. In all ways voy a discartar e inabilitar a questo árbitro. We will come to the oficina on 4 and so I will summon the president of the referees”. In reference to the president of the Cameroon league, Eto’o assures them to Gwain “él holds el poder. Da ahí, él con sus comisiones ya va a poder suspender hasta al Presidente de los árbitros”.
The declarations that compromise Eto’o more than ever are that he must undergo the club and that he is about to be charged. “Nuestro club, el Opopo (apodo que recibe el Victoria United) must undergo a primera división, ese es nuestro objectivo. Our vamos met los tres (president of los árbitros y de la liga de Camerún) y vamos a hablar discreete y arregrer todo esto”.
In the last three years of Victoria United, he got two lifts, now with these conversations, it is questioned whether he won it in sporting manner.