Journalist Journalist The voice of Galicia he suffered this aggression in the editorial office of the periodical in Pontevedra. Pasadas las dos de la tarde, un hombre ha acuido a la sede, where a trabajador y una trabajadora are found in this moment. The presumed aggressor, of 25 years, is the same one who attacked Mariano Rajoy in 2015 in the Galician locality of Lérez. This mediodia impuñaba a cuchillo with what the journalist Alfredo López Penide inherited, when he tried to defend himself, after explaining a spokesman of the Policía Nacional de Pontevedra. The reporter, director of successes and courts in Pontevedra, claimed heridas “no graves” in the arm to attempt to defend. El aggresor también has destroyedzado ordenadores, según has confirmed el propio diary in an information.
🔴 The young man who attacked Rajoy with a cuchillo at La Voz journalist. He joined the drafting of the delegation of La Voz de Galicia in #Pontevedra, destroy authorizing officers and arrest contra dos trabajadores. Finally the police consiguió reduced
— La Voz de Galicia (@lavozdegalicia) July 14, 2023
Segun acknowledges The voice of Galiciathe prisoner went to the editorial office on calle Rosalía de Castro and, visibly upset, tried to strike with a computer roller and other effects of the settings. The account to which its implementation responds to the publication had two days in this period of the news Convicted of another assault in Ourense on the young man who asked for a punch from Mariano Rajoy.
The aggressor, Andrés de VF, is the same person who in 2015 was detained to transfer a fuerte puñetazo en la cara to the entonces president of the Gobierno, to whom he dejó magullado. The police officers arrested him, but the intervention of six was necessary for his depusiera actitud, according to the regional diary clarified. Once arrested, the attacker transferred to the Unidad de Psiquiatría del Complexo Hospitalario de Pontevedra (CHOP). The periodist “que sufrió heridas en una mano y en el pecho”, según The voice of Galiciathis is his treatment in the Montecelo de Lérez hospital. [Actualización 21:00: el compañero periodista de la delegación en Pontevedra, Christian Casares, ha confirmado a La Sexta que a Penide “ya le han dado el alta, con una herida en una mano con 10 puntos” y otras contusiones derivadas de haberse defendido del ataque. También asegura que familiares del atacante se han puesto en contacto con el periódico para “lamentar los hechos y pedir disculpas”].
In 2015, the young man, now 25 years old, had 17 years when he attacked Rajoy. The entonces president of the Government and candidates of the PP for reelection ―comics were celebrated in December and won the Popular Party― overtaken by the center of Pontevedra, in full electoral campaign. Andrés VF went to politics to send her a photo, and shortly after he was arrested with a puñetazo en la car. Once arrested, the agents asked her to know what they had done, and he replied that he “pegó her because he tenía dos sueldos”.
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El Juzgado de Menores de Pontevedra condenó a Andrés VF a dos años de internamiento en régimen cerrado as perpetrator of a delito de atentado, recuerda The voice of Galicia. Cuatro años después, lo detuvieron de nuevo por gopear a un directe de Vox, ma il caso se cerró con un acuerdo entre les parts. Aun so, a finals of 2019, a juzgado de la localidad de Lérez sí condenó lo por lesiones, añade el diario gallego.
In 2020, he took a third detention. Agents of the State Police the atribuyeron haber agredido has a client of a bar in Ourense. He was prosecuted for it two days ago and the young man admitted the hechos and accepted the implied sentence, whence you know, as a mitigating factor, that the attacker caused a psychic alteration, the diary details. Por estos hechos, Andrés VF will pay a fine of 540 euros for a crime of injury and another 90 for amends. Además, in the concept of civil liability, the aggressor holds that indemnizar to the perjudicado with 2,050 euros.