A submarine that llevaba Turistas saw in the restos of the shipwreck of the ocean liner titanic, founded in 1912 600 kilometers off the coast of Newfoundland (Canada), disappeared in Atlantic waters, following the confirmation of the United States Coast Guard, responsible for search and rescue operations in this ocean area. On board the submarine there were five people, he pointed to the body.
To the operation of search and rescue state of the submarine owned by the state company OceanGate Expeditions have added a military aircraft and a buque of the Guardia Costera de Canada, according to the Joint Rescue Coordination Center of this country.
In a press release, the owner company warned: “Exploramos y movilizamos todas las opciones para traer de vuelta al grupo. Estamos absolutamente centered in the crew on board the submarine and your family. Estamos profundamente agradecidos por el gran apoyo que receibido de diverses governmental agencies y empresas especializadas en aguas marinas profundas en nuestros esfuerzos por restablecer contacto con el submarine”.
Among the tourists, where the travel organizing company called “mission specialists”, aboard the submarine could meet the British explorer Hamish Harding, following the BBC television schedule. The scientist published on Saturday on his Facebook account about him: “I’m proud to finally announce that I joined OceanGate Shipments for his mission to RMS Titanic as a mission specialist in the submarine that he desciendes al titanic”.
“Due to the winter poor in Newfoundland in 40 years, this mission is likely to be the premier and the only trip to the titanic in 2023. If until a favorable meteorological moment opens and we’re going to try to dive in the morning (Sunday 18)… we plan to undertake diving operations in the fourth day of the morning. Hasta entonces tenemos a lotos preparativos y sesiones informatica por delante”, wrote Harding, who collected some photos of the adventure. “The submarine team counts with a pair of legendary explorers, some of whom have made more than 30 dives per titanic from the ochenta, including PH Nargeolet”, agregaba. “¡Seguirán más updates on the expedition SI el tempo aguanta!”.
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The organizing company mentions on the web a Nargeolet, a veteran of expeditions to the transatlantic ocean —has directing media teaching them— as one of the experts who guide the tourists in these immersions.
OceanGate Expeditions, which operates submarines for deep-sea expeditions, offers tourist trips every day and night to visit El Pecio del titanic, for a price of $250,000. El dinero recaudado was intended for a sober investigation into the transatlantic hunt against an iceberg in 1912, in a shipwreck in which more than 1,500 people died. The depth and the remoteness of the waters in which it encloses, and the hardness of the climate, hicieron que los restos del legendario buque no se localizaran hasta 1985.
At the beginning of this month, OceanGate had taken all the travel, indicating that you were in contact with your ship via Elon Musk’s Starlink system, which provided internet and communications on board. “We want to be in the North Atlantic climate, we have the connection that we need for our diving operations in the titanic sean a exito. ¡Gracias, Starlink!”, indicated the mensaje el 1 de junio. La compañía tuiteó por última vez subre este tipo de expedition el viernes.
For decades, private companies have taken a hiking trip to see the restaurants in the titanichowever the distance from the place of the shipwreck and the depth of the restaurants (at a surface area of less than 3,800 metres, which in a small submarine can be reached late in every hour) make it easy to buy a boat at sea: the price of some expeditions exceeds the 200,000 euros, not including los tralados a Terranova.
Tan just last week, the OceanGate web page hacía advertising of this type of adventure: “Siga las huellas de Jacques Cousteau y conviértase en un explorador submarine —empezando with an immersion in the pecio of the RMS Titanic. This is his opportunity to abandon the daily routine and discover algo de verdad extraordinario”. “Conviértase en uno de los pocos en haber visa el titanic con sus propios ojos”, alentaba.
The trip of each day starts from Saint John, in Newfoundland, from where a boat travels to trip the tourists to the point where they meet upon the Titanic. After a couple of days of familiarity with the submarine, the dive begins. “Once the submarine will be launched it will empezará in ver forms that seem from another world pass before the ojo de buey mientras usted desciende más y más en el Oceano. The descent lasts two hours, but if it feels like an open and closed eyes”.
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