The Italian will lead the ‘Canarinha’ in 2024, but the current eligió entrepreneur does not talk about the issue
“Eso es un tema del president”, Diniz limits himself to commenting
Fernando Diniz, coach of Fluminense and presented this miracle as a new interim selector from Brazil, he refused to give any information about the connection to the Canarinha by the Italian Carlo Ancelotti in the media of 2024.
“No voy a entrar en el asunto de Ancelotti. Eso is a theme of the president (of the Confederación Brasileña de Fútbol, CBF). See un hablar de mi estilo de juego“, said Diniz in the press conference he granted to be presented as the new five-times champion of the world selection leader.
It weighs that the path to take at the CBF headquarters in Río de Janeiro will be to present the nuevo entrenador interino, the preguntas about Ancelotti repitieron, as well as the negatives of Diniz to contest them.
Las dudas obedecen states that, in an interview he granted el viernes to a television, the president of the CBF, Ednaldo Rodrigues, to hear that the Italian will drive in Brazil during the Copa América of 2024, preview for the mediados of the próximo año y cuando ya habrá concluded his contract with Real Madrid.
Diniz acknowledges that his contract as an interino is for one year and that it also includes the Copa América, ydalthough he has also escuchado the versions of which Ancelotti will take the lead de la Canarinha in 2024 but you can’t confirm them.
“Sober Ancelotti se de los planes que hay, ma no se cómo están. Please keep looking for another form of confirming this information”, reported.
The Fluminense technician said that he doesn’t know Ancelotti personally y that, in addition to conversations with the leaders of the CBF, the guarantee that tendría total freedom and autonomy to impose his style of play without taking a nadie.
“He spoke to the president of the CBF and received a guarantee of total freedom to let me work. Conversar con otros (entradores), yo converso. Tendré a group within the CBF and the people who will draw conmigo with those who converse “, destacó him.
Diniz, who in your estapa is like interim of the selection he will continue as coach of Fluminensehe will take the cargo in the place of Ramón Menezes, trainer of the Sub-20 and who will be performing the function by renunciation of Titus.
Diniz he will make his debut as Canarinha coach next Septembercuando Brasil will compete with Bolivia and Peru in the South American preliminaries for the 2026 Mundial.