Daniel Penny: Grand juror indicts exmarine who asphyxiated tramp with mental disorders in New York | International

El examines Daniel Penny, tras ser detenido por la muerte de Jordan Neely, el 12 de Mayo en New York.
El examines Daniel Penny, tras ser detenido por la muerte de Jordan Neely, el 12 de Mayo en New York.BRENDAN MCDERMID (REUTERS)

A grand jurado in Manhattan voted este miércoles to indict Daniel Penny in the May death of Jordan Neely. The green light for the indictment was confirmed to the cadena de información CBSNews by the abogado of the victim’s family. The white ex-Marine was accused of committing an imprudent homicide in the asphyxiation death of Neely, a black race, on May 1 aboard a New York subway line F train. The victim, a mentally challenged vagabond who malvivía con callejeras imitations of Michael Jackson, suffered a brote en el vagón y fue reducido hasta the asfixia por Penny, while a passajero grababa con su móvil la escena.

The delay in accusing Penny, who in freedom without duties translating a declaration on the day of autos, exacerbated souls in New York, with numerous protests for the presumed pasividad de la Justice -Penny was not detained hasta casi dos semanas después- , mientras el ala dura de los Republicanos converted it into a símbolo para arremeter contra los demócratas, que controlan lasstitutions de la ciudad. The racial issue was also afflicted as a burden, convirtiéndose en arma arrojadiza entre ambos bandos.

Exsargento de los marines de 24 años, Penny redoujo con un llave de strangulamiento prohibida por su peligrosidad en various police departments a Neely, de 30 años, que minutos antes había sufrido un crisis y se quejaba a gritos de lo hambriento que estaba y de estar dispuesto a morir, según los testigos. The assumption has rekindled the debate on the notorious morons of the city’s apoyo systems to people without mental enfermedades, in a legislature, the alcalde Eric Adams, marked by the records in some social programs and by propuestas rechazadas por los profesionales, como su intent de intern contra su voluntad a los sieriest patients in the hospital. Neely reunified the two conditions, therefore, in person without spending time, he kept a documented history of untreated psychiatric trastornos, as well as antecedents for falls and minor crimes, such as pouring into the meter.

The ex-marine, who abogados opened the account to retrieve funds for defense in an ultra-derelict filiation portal, ensured that he implemented a legitimate defense and defended other passengers on the train, and that he had no intention of causing Neely’s death. The testicles traveling in the carriage said that the victim was neither amenazó nor attacked they had presented themselves to nadie before Penny had settled with the city on her butt.

Penny entered a May mediation and appeared for the first time in Manhattan Criminal Court, two weeks after the success, for a reckless murder charge, trasloco in libertad bajo fianza de 100,000 dólares. The cargo or cargoes contained in the accusation of the grand jurado will be relieved in short, according to the local media. Pleading guilty, Penny was able to face at least 15 years in prison under New York City law. The Manhattan District Fiscal Office declined to make any comments.

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By James Brown

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