Ajax ofrece one last hour on the state of Van der Sar

07/08/2023 at 14:07


Edwin will “permanecerá in cuidados intensives por el momento”, dijo Ajax in a press release on his wife’s issue

El exguardameta está being treated in a hospital in Croatia, where he staba de vacaciones

Edwin van der Sar, 52, grew up in an intensive care unit and suffered from a brain hemorrhage. The state of health of the former Manchester United and Ajax goalkeeper eg “stable but not worried”según informó el proprio du club holandés with the permission of your family members.

Edwin “it will remain in intensive care for the moment”dijo Ajax in a press release.it issue of su esposa y you are being treated in a hospital in Croatiawhere he stays on vacations.

El exinternacional holandés, que jugó 130 partidos con su paísHe resigned as executive director of Ajax in May after the team finished third in the Liga Hollandesa e non lograra clasificarse for the Liga de Campeones for the first time since 2009.

Retired as a player after leaving Manchester United in 2011, before joining the Ajax board in 2012 then converting club executive director in 2016. Van der Sar played 266 games for the Red Devils and helped them win Four titles of the Premier League and the Champions League of 2008.

También played in the Premier League against Fulham and in Serie A against Juventus. Sus Antiguos Clubs y Compañeros de Equipo ya have shown on apoyo in Van der Sar. “La familia Van der Sar, joint with Ajax, está agradecida y profundamente por los manyos mensajes de apoyo”, dijo Ajax.

By James Brown

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