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No surprise Hubo. The seventh bull of San Fermín, protagonist of the madrileños bulls of Victoriano del Río, discussed what was foreseen: a fast carrera (2 minutes and 18 seconds, only six months after the past year), relatively clean (a herido por cornada in the pierna izquierda y cuatro contusionados), en las resess si han behavior como authentic athletes, so that gives the impression that they know the race and the tricks they must use to avoid the caídas, grab the head and run and run until the square.
El herido en la pierna estaba en la zona de Telefónica; one of the bulls approached his pace with the entrance tunnel to the square. He squeezed the mozo by the squeezing muslo and lifted it on the pitón during several and agonizing meters. When he solved it, with the pants hecho trizas, it seems that the injury was serious. Entre los bruises di lui hubo otro herido en un brazo y no por cornada, che happened in the ruedo de la plaza y fue attendedido en la enfermería.
These bulls debuted at the fair in 2010, they didn’t fall short of their stories, and there is a legend that information is passed from one to other bulls, so that the elite join Pamplona with a plan of the city and enough information to order the obstacles of the large career.
Como era de esperar, los cabestros ledraron la endiablada carrera en la cuesta de Santo Domingo; uno de los mansos hizo de liebre, lo que no debe de resultar extraño para los verdaderos protagonists, cansados de entrenar en el campo.
He noticed from the beginning that they were allos ellos experienced athletes. A black bull rebated the cabestro líder at the plaza del Ayuntamiento, bajaron todos, muy hermanados, por Mercaderes, and a few of them passed the warning that opened on the tablones of the curve that from paso a Estafeta, which had che sorter to avoid the hard meeting. Dicho y hecho: los seis enfilaron la recta sin tocar siquiera la madeira, señal de que estaban avisados.
The manada ran cases in the Indian row by Estafeta, rolled up some runners, other cayerons because they tropezaron with the one that preceded, but not a single bull bit the asphalt powder nor quedó rezagado nor shot derrotes a los mozos.
The hiring was complicated in the Telefónica area and in the blockage of the entrance to the callejón. One de los toros barrió el costado derecho and some mozos resulted perjudicados con golpes y sustos morrocotudos; in this miserable area the herido is produced in the pier, which can be much worse.
Finally, and following the plan, the career was fast and the bulls descended into the corrals. There they will wait for the hour of the bullfight Navigation (570kg), Spanish (525kg), Trainer (570kg), tax (555kg), mayor (520kg) a Forajido (580 kilos), todos de capa negra, which will be lidiados by Emilio de Justo, Roca Rey and Tomás Rufo.
The Peruvian bullfighter, the only one he repites on this holiday, will have him as a bullfighter more after his sensational connection with the plaza on Tuesday, when he shorted three hours and went up to hombros. El protocol indicates that esta tarde debe surpassar los niveles de arrebato y erigirse en triunfador absoluto del ciclo. Con toda seguridad, por su parte no quedará.
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